Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 826 Father and Son Reconciliation

Chapter 826 Father and Son Reconciliation
"Thank you dad."

Lu Sihui thanked her father-in-law with a smile. She really didn't expect him to take the initiative to help.


Zhou Zixu raised his head sharply and looked at his father with excited eyes.

"Ahem, let's eat."

Zhou Baichuan was watched by his son with such fiery eyes, coughed twice unnaturally, and gave an order in a cold voice.

He bowed his head to eat and didn't say a word.

"Dad, can you still play on the sledge later?"

Dongsheng ate a big bowl of rice, put down his chopsticks, and looked at his father with pleading black eyes. He didn't play enough.


Zhou Zisong refused in a cold voice, and there was no room for negotiation.

It was only then that Lu Sihui noticed Zhou Zisong. After eating for a long time, she forgot about this person.

"Grandpa, Dad, brother, let's go home first."

After eating, Zhou Zixu was in a hurry to go home, where he and Sihui lived together.

"Okay, let's go back! Xiao Su, bring some meat back for them."

Master Zhou glanced at his watch, it was getting late, it would be after eight o'clock when he got home, and the newlyweds had to let the two of them go home.

Instruct Aunt Su to fill a bag with both cooked and raw venison. The young couple and Jianguo also have to eat.

"Aunt Su, fill me with three steamed buns."

What did Zhou Zixu seem to suddenly think of?He asked Aunt Su to decorate the staple food.

"Okay, there are four more, I'll take them all for you, you can eat them."

Aunt Su thought Zhou Zixu wanted to eat tomorrow morning!Smilingly agreed, he went to the kitchen to pack steamed buns.

"Zixu, let's cook the noodles tomorrow morning, and save the steamed buns for grandpa!"

Lu Sihui whispered to Zhou Zixu, but he just smiled and did not answer, still waiting there.

"Here, it's all set."

Aunt Su gave all the things to Zixu, and also asked him to bury the raw venison in the snow when he got home. Remember to pour water on it before burying it with snow, so that it won't taste bad.

"Thank you Aunt Su."

Zhou Zixu smiled brightly at her, took the things and looked at his elder brother: "Brother, think about what I said, No. 12 is really good."

Before leaving, he didn't let his elder brother go, Zhou Zisong gave him a dark look and didn't answer his words.

"What NO.12?"

Zhou Baichuan asked, the youngest son is married, and now he hopes that the eldest son can also have a wife.

"It's Sihui's bridesmaid, a very gentle girl from the south."

Zhou Zixu didn't expect his father to care about this matter, so he smiled and told his father about the simple situation of NO.12.

"You can take it home to see."

Mr. Zhou was in a hurry, so he made an appointment first, but the eldest grandson of the provincial government did not agree to find a partner.

"Zixu, let's go!"

Zhou Zisong stared at his younger brother with a face like water, exuding a freezing chill all over his body, and angrily began to order to evict the guests.

Zhou Zixu shrugged at him, he had said everything he needed to say, he could imagine that his eldest brother's life would be difficult tonight, and grandpa would ask the bottom line and force him to look at him.

Leaving home proudly, Lu Sihui asked him in a low voice, "Why did you say this in front of grandpa and father?"

Zhou Zixu squinted his eyes, he was a vengeful person, and when he was with Sihui, his eldest brother did not stop him much.

Already at that time, he wanted to make up his mind that in the future, he would slowly let his eldest brother experience what it means to be forced to accept, some concern, and he would happily accept it if he didn't give it to him.

Just like now, I also want to find him a wife for his own good, but my elder brother obviously doesn't like it either.

Putting away the coldness in his eyes, he said to his wife solemnly.

"Sihui, I'm doing it for the benefit of my elder brother, really."

(End of this chapter)

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