Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 828 The Crazy Woman in the Yard

Chapter 828 The Crazy Woman in the Yard
"No, you go and come back early."

Being held in Zhou Zixu's arms, Lu Sihui was a little reluctant to get off, but she still said something to him gently, and jumped out of his arms.

"Okay, go in and lock the door. Okay, I'll be back in about an hour. Bring in the raw meat, and I'll send the steamed buns and cooked meat to Jinchen. Uncle Zhao is also in the hospital! There's not enough to eat without it."


Lu Sihui nodded and didn't say much, she was not a stingy person in the first place.

"I am leaving."

Seeing his brother-in-law entering the hospital, Zhou Zixu quickly kissed his wife's face, and then smiled contentedly.

"Slow down."

Lu Sihui stood in front of the door and looked at him, Zhou Zixu smiled and waved to her, got in the car and left.

In the hospital, Zhao Jinchen's eyes were bloodshot, but he still couldn't sleep. As long as his sister was not sedated, she would yell and beat people when she woke up.

Zhao Yaozu has returned home, and there is still a granddaughter at home. No one cares about it, but his wife still stays here. Yuying doesn't even know how to take care of herself when she urinates.

She could only sleep on the bench in the hallway while they were sleeping. In winter, the hallway was very cold. Even covered with two quilts, she was shivering from the cold, and she lost weight due to the torment. a big circle.

After Zhou Zixu went upstairs, she went to the nurse on duty and asked her to go into the ward to call for someone. As soon as she reached the door of the ward, she heard Zhao Yuying and Fang Fang yelling together.


"Come to catch us, don't! Don't catch me, take your tongue away, don't lick me, I'm afraid."

"Help! The ghost is coming."

The cry in the middle of the night was very discreet, and it was a ghost. The patients and their families on the same floor were frightened by the cry.

The nurse was quite courageous, and her face turned pale from fright.

"Zhao Jinchen, someone is looking for you outside."

The nurse came into the room and yelled, and wanted to leave, but Fang Fang's parents grabbed her with a very arrogant attitude, and almost threw the nurse to the ground.

"Don't go! I haven't seen all the patients like this. What kind of work attitude? Hurry up and find a way."

"I have to go to the doctor."

The nurse saw Fang Fang and Zhao Yuying staring at her blood-red eyes, crying and laughing at her, baring their teeth and claws as if they were going to eat people, and almost cried in fright.

There was a tremor in her voice, she was only in her early twenties, and had just started working for half a year, where had she seen such a strange and frightening patient?

"Uncle, aunt, don't make things difficult for her."

Seeing what Fang Fang's parents did, Zhao Jinchen frowned and stopped them.

If one's own daughter is a human being, is someone else's daughter not a human being?
"Standing and talking doesn't hurt your back. You should think of a way! These two yell like this every day, and my family's Fang Fang's voice is broken by shouting, and the bright future is ruined like this."

Fang Fang's father glared at Zhao Jinchen, and taught him a lesson through gritted teeth.

Up to now, he still thinks that Zhao Yuying taught his innocent daughter badly.

"Go to the doctor!" Zhao Jinchen frowned and didn't quarrel with him. He pressed his sister and asked the nurse to go to the doctor.

The current solution, apart from sedatives, is to tie my sister up with a rope.

"I like you."

There was arguing here, but Fang Fang over there heard Zhao Jinchen's words, and suddenly jumped to the ground, hugged his waist with a smile, and pressed her face against his back, with a look of intoxication.

"what are you doing?"

Zhao Jinchen almost died of nausea, there was an unpleasant stench from Fang Fang's body, she was able to walk by herself, but she urinated in her pants.

With a stern voice, she stretched out her hand to push her, but Fang Fang's mother made an attack at this moment: "Stop it, Fang Fang is still a big girl, you have to marry her if you hug her."

(End of this chapter)

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