Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 829 What is the system?

Chapter 829 What is the system?

Zhao Jinchen looked at Fang Fang's mother in astonishment, why is this person unreasonable?

He just couldn't force it, and he had to hold down his sister who was struggling desperately. She was tearing down her clothes. There were other patients and family members in this room. How many men were there!
He let go, and she stripped herself naked.

How decent is it not to let go, being hugged by Fang Fang like this?
"Let go."

He coldly gave Fang Fang an order, his aura was extremely cold, but Fang Fang is a lunatic now, so he would not let it go.

She hugged him and didn't let go, stopped shouting that there was a ghost, laughed non-stop, and rubbed her face on him.

"You let go of my son."

Zhou Guifang ran into the house in a daze, not paying attention to Zhou Zixu standing in the corridor at all, stumbling into the house, reaching out to pull Fang Fang.

"Why did you hit my daughter?"

Fang Fang's mother came to grab her, and Zhou Guifang was dragged to the ground by her in a daze.


Seeing this situation, Zhou Zixu had no choice but to enter the house, so he yelled loudly when he entered.

He was domineering, with cold eyes, staring directly at Fang Fang's mother, and walked over to help Zhou Guifang up.

He violently dragged Fang Fang away and threw her back to his hospital bed.

"Be honest, or I will send you to the maintenance police station."

Fang Fang's mother hardly dared to look directly at Zhou Zixu's terrifying cold eyes. He was like a wild cheetah in the mountains, with a dangerous aura about him.

Even Fang Fang, who was crazy, was sitting on the hospital bed stupidly, gnawing her fingernails, and looking at Zhou Zixu in fear.

"Zixu, thank you."

Zhao Jinchen let out a long breath, he was really forced to kill just now.

"You're welcome, I brought you and your aunt something to eat."

Zhou Zixu glanced at Zhao Yuying on the bed. He looked like a beast trapped in a trap, with fierce eyes and a weird smile on his mouth. It was quite scary to see such a face at night.

"Thank you, I can't spare now."

Zhao Jinchen nodded to Zhou Zixu. For a whole day, he and his mother didn't eat anything, and couldn't eat anything.

The room smelled of shit and urine, and my stomach churned with nausea for a day.

"The doctor is here."

Seeing the little.1 nurse leading the doctor over, Zhou Zixu quickly moved out of the way.

The space in the ward was already small, and the escort took up half of the room. They had to walk sideways, and the air was so dirty that it was hard to breathe.

"much better."

The doctor checked and found that the two people were less noisy than usual. He comforted the family members and asked the nurse to sedate the patient.

In the middle of the night, the two of them didn't sleep, and other patients and their families had to sleep!These medical staff are not made of iron.

"Thank you."

Zhao Jinchen sent the doctor out with a tired expression. Zhou Guifang was busy helping his daughter change her pants inside, so she couldn't go in for the time being.

Zhou Zixu accompanied him. After the doctor left, he silently lit a cigarette and handed it to Zhao Jinchen.

"Pick one."

A man is tired of a cigarette, and all his sorrows drift away with the light smoke.

Zhao Jinchen took the cigarette without saying a word, took a deep breath and puffed it up in his mouth for a long time, he was so suffocated that he couldn't breathe and his lungs were about to explode before he spit it out slowly.

"Wash your hands and eat in a while. I'll bring you some delicious food. Seeing your sister's condition, it won't get better in a day or two. You can't break your body."

Zhou Zixu lit a cigarette for himself, held it between his fingers without smoking, and looked at the old comrade with worried eyes.

The two are a life-long friendship and will not change because of anyone.

"Thank you."

Zhao Jinchen took several puffs of cigarettes, threw away the cigarette butts, and exhaled slowly. The gloom in his heart did not disappear a bit, and his anxiety deepened.

(End of this chapter)

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