Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 830: Give The Other Party Dignity

Chapter 830: Give The Other Party Dignity

"Elk meat, made by Sihui, is delicious. The steamed buns are enough for you and your aunt. Give me the cup and get you some hot water."

Zhou Zixu called the bag he brought, and the lunch box was full of stewed venison, which was completely cold at the moment, and there was no place for hot meals in the hospital, so he could only drink some hot water and eat.

"Thank you, I'm really hungry."

Zhao Jinchen looked at the venison in the lunch box, a flash of light flashed in his dark and deep eyes, he breathed out, and his speech was stronger than before.

"Call aunt out to eat together!"

Zhou Zixu patted Zhao Jinchen's shoulder heavily. There was also sympathy among men, but there was no need to say, to leave dignity for the other party.

"it is good."

Zhao Jinchen's Bo Chun pressed her lips together tightly, as if waves were rolling in her heart, and it took a long time before she uttered a single word.

"I'll get you hot water."

Zhou Zixu gave him a deep look, turned around and knocked on the door, and did not enter the room rashly.

"Mom, get out the cup."

Zhao Jinchen walked to the door and yelled into the room.


Zhou Guifang came out with a washbasin in her hand. Inside the basin were liners full of feces and urine, apparently just replaced.

Zhou Zixu hurriedly turned his face away and held his breath.

"I'll get it!"

Zhao Jinchen took a look at Zhou Zixu and knew that he had a cleanliness habit, so he asked his mother to take away the line pants first.

He went into the house and took out a big iron cylinder.

When I went out, I saw my mother's staggering steps, with wet eyes, and shouted at her.

"Mom, I'm going to wash. You wash your hands and eat first."

His voice was hoarse, and Zhou Zixu felt sad when he heard it.

"Auntie, you eat first, I'll get you a cup of hot water, the food is cold."

He couldn't bear to see an old mother become old and haggard for the sake of her unworthy daughter, and hurried away with a jar.

Lu Sihui took her younger brother home, she wanted to light the stove, but Lu Jianguo ran out first.

When Zixu didn't go home, Lu Sihui slowly cleaned up the house, sweeping, mopping, dusting, simple housework, but she did it with gusto.

"Sister, my brother-in-law said to come back in an hour, what did you do?"

Lu Jianguo put the wooden tripper into the stove, stuffed the waste paper under the tripper, lit it with a lighter, watched the flame ignite, and raised his head to ask his sister.

Lu Sihui looked down at him, and the flames in the stove were reflected in his younger brother's eyes, lighting up his dark and bright eyes.

I found that he is happier now than a year ago and has become more confident.

A light beard grew on his mouth, and when the voice changed, he developed an Adam's apple, and his voice was a bit like a drake's voice, which was very unpleasant, but it also proved that he had grown up.

He cares about his brother-in-law very much and relies on himself because they are his only relatives.

"I went to the hospital, I'll be back soon, you go back to your room and do your homework!"

Said lightly, she still doesn't know how to communicate better with her brother.

Learn slowly, she is not so cold-blooded now, at least she knows how to care about her younger brother, Ai Zixu.

She doesn't resent her current changes, on the contrary, she likes her current self.

"Sister, you go to bed early, I will leave the door for brother-in-law."

Lu Jianguo poured a lump of coal into the stove, the flames only dimmed for a while, but immediately became more prosperous, and the room felt warmer immediately.

"No, go to bed after you finish your homework! My sister is waiting for him."

Lu Sihui raised her hand to rub his head, but she retracted her hand after thinking for a while, her younger brother is already an adult, so he can't be as casual as before.

"it is good."

Lu Jianguo glanced at his sister's hand, and the disappointment in his eyes was covered by drooping eyelids.

Turn around and enter the house, close the door, and leave the two-person world to my sister and brother-in-law.

Lu Sihui tidied up the house and did [-] push-ups in the house, counting the time in her mind, waiting for Zixu to come home.

(End of this chapter)

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