Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 840 Will be poisoned by soot

Chapter 840 Will be poisoned by soot
Lu Sihui still hasn't figured it out yet?He is not happy at this point!

Lu Sihui got up angrily and asked him why he was crazy?Zhou Zixu ignored her, but took off his coat and lay down on the bed.

"I'm so dizzy, watch a movie, even if you want to, you can't, Jianguo, that bastard, his forehead is too bright."

Zhou Zixu let out the anger in his heart, and Lu Sihui understood that Jianguo was suspected of being a light bulb. Lu Sihui looked at him gloatingly, with a snicker in the corner of her mouth:
"Jianguo must not know yet, why are you so angry with him?"

Although her voice was a little mocking, and her tone of speaking was also a tone of knowingly asking, she still pretended not to know why and asked Zhou Zixu.

"Knowingly asking."

Zhou Zixu looked at her smiling face, and gave her a punitive look, until her laughter became louder and louder. Only then did Zhou Zixu turn red from her smile, and soon his face turned red and his neck thickened. .

"Look at you like a child, what a big sour smell."

Lu Sihui held his face with a light smile, reluctant to leave his hair, raised her head slightly, and rubbed his hair comfortingly like his habitual movement.

"So, don't you feel better?"

Zhou Zixu smiled, held her down suddenly, smiled and looked at Lu Sihui whose eyes suddenly opened wide: "This is enough."

He uttered a sentence in her ear with a dumb sound, and obviously felt that her ears had caught up with his own redness, and then he felt that the depression in his heart was driven away. He was refreshed and full of energy, and he led Lu Sihui deep into the Go to the movie you're watching.

The sleepy couple was just about to fall asleep when they heard a slight noise from outside the door. Zhou Zixu put on his coat and jumped up.

Opening the door and looking out, Lu Jianguo was lighting the stove, he was acting very carefully, as if he was afraid of disturbing them.

"Light on the stove in the middle of the night, turn on the electric mattress, and go to sleep."

Zhou Zixu gave a lesson with a stern face, Lu Jianguo agreed, and looked at his brother-in-law aggrievedly, he didn't know what he did wrong?Why is brother-in-law angry?
Thinking of lighting the stove to please him, it seems that he has done wrong again, and he looks very unhappy.

"Go to bed! Turn on the stove too late, and you'll be poisoned by soot."

Seeing his timid eyes, Zhou Zixu had no choice but to change into a coaxing tone.


Lu Jianguo took a closer look at his brother-in-law, and found that he was not angry. He leaned lazily on the door frame and looked at himself calmly.

After watching his brother-in-law go back to the house, Zhou Zixu turned around and went back to the new house, locking the door again.

Looking at the little daughter-in-law on the bed with a smile, she has nothing else!Just right.
On this day, Zhou Zixu was so bullish in his work unit that Lu Sihui couldn't stand it any longer.

Two days later, the two ended their marriage leave and returned to work to report.

I just arrived at the unit, and I haven't done the handover work yet!Zhao Jinchen came with a tired face.

I haven't seen him for a few days, and he has lost weight again, his eyes are bloodshot from exhaustion, his beard has obviously been shaved, and there is a layer of green and weak beard stubble.

"Jin Chen."

Zhou Zixu looked at him with frowned eyebrows. This look was really not like the majestic and majestic Zhao Jinchen before, but rather an unlucky guy.

Zhao Jinchen's Adam's apple slid a few times, and he couldn't say a word when he was ready.

He saluted Zhou Zixu with a standard, feeling as if he had been crushed by a boulder. This would be the last time he would salute in overalls.

(End of this chapter)

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