Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 841 He Doesn't Need Sympathy

Chapter 841 He Doesn't Need Sympathy

Zhou Zixu looked at him sullenly, he already guessed what Zhao Jinchen was going to say?

A family, an ignorant sister, and a good friend were brought down.

"This is my application for retiring five, please approve it from the leader."

Zhao Jinchen didn't dare to look at Zixu's questioning eyes, lowered his head and put the application on Zhou Zixu's desk.

"Take it back, I've already told you, I'll give you half a month."

Zhou Zixu refused to accept his application for retiring five years, with his hands behind his back, looking at him coldly.

I want to see from Zhao Jinchen's face his reluctance for the unit.

Zhao Jinchen didn't dare to look up because of his stern gaze, he was very afraid that he would regret it.

Thinking of how his 1. mother fell to the ground last night, he gritted his teeth and raised his head, meeting Zhou Zixu's icy eyes.

"It doesn't take half a month, I have already thought it through, please give instructions from the leader."

Zhao Jinchen stood upright, with his hands on the trousers on both sides of his legs, and his proper standing posture was required by the instructor since the first day he joined the team. He has maintained it for ten years until now.

"I said, I'll give you half a month. If I don't have the time, I won't accept your application."

Zhou Zixu's face sank like water, and he spat out every single word from his mouth.

His words carried an unquestionable order. At this time, he was the leader, and Zhao Jinchen was just his subordinate.

Without brother loyalty, all Zhao Jinchen has to do is obey.

"Zixu, why bother? Even if half a month is up, I still won't change my mind."

Zhao Jinchen looked up at him, with irrepressible anger in his eyes.

At this moment, he was like a volcano about to erupt, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

He doesn't need sympathy, he is a man, he must bear the responsibility he should bear, and he has no choice.

Even his favorite Jun team, he can't stay.

"go back."

Zhou Zixu's Adam's apple slid vigorously, and gave an order in a cold voice. He still can't make a decision at the moment, and he has to report to the leader. As for whether it can be approved, he has no idea.

Therefore, he can't make any promises to Jin Chen. The only thing he can do is to delay the time first and let himself make the last effort.

"Zixu, don't be like this. You know the situation in my family. My mother fainted last night. Yuying slept during the day and made trouble at night. The hospital refused to keep her anymore. She issued a certificate and asked to send her to the third party. Hospitals, they are all mental illnesses! I can't send her in."

Zhao Jinchen cried out in pain to Zhou Zixu, no matter how many mistakes his sister made, he couldn't bear to abandon her.

"After half a month, come see me and go back!"

Zhou Zixu looked at him with gloomy eyes, and his voice still carried an unquestionable order.

Zhao Jinchen looked at him with a frown, and when he faced his unwavering deep black eyes, he knew that this was an order, and the iron-blooded man took it as his bounden duty to obey orders.

He squeezed his lips together, put his feet together, and saluted solemnly.


Picking up the five-year-retirement report on the table, he twisted his steps, turned back, and walked out the door with the steps of an iron-blooded man.

"I won't let you fall behind, my good friend."

Behind him came Zhou Zixu's loud voice from his dantian, Zhao Jinchen stopped in his footsteps, lowered his head and slid his throat violently.

After a long time, he raised his head, took a deep breath, and strode out of the leader's office.

As soon as he walked out of the office, two familiar figures walked towards him.

"Number two?"

No. [-] looked at him excitedly, and she was secretly anxious because she didn't see him report today!I didn't expect to meet him here.

Lu Sihui's eyes, which were as clear as water, fell on the application form for retiring from the fifth class in his hand, and a dark light flashed in his eyes. Does he still want to go home?
(End of this chapter)

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