Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 842 The Rainbow After the Storm

Chapter 842 The Rainbow After the Storm
Zhao Jinchen glanced at Lu Sihui complicatedly. After becoming a bride, she became more charming as a woman, but his eyes still had no warmth.

I smiled wryly in my heart, I knew her the first time, but because of my character, I offended her, and I will never get her forgiveness in this life.

"We are all waiting for you to return to the team."

Just when he was in a sad mood like being tormented by a storm, Lu Sihui suddenly said a word and looked at him with encouragement.

Zhao Jinchen was stunned, he thought he was wrong, how could she say that?

Did I hear wrong?After Lu Sihui finished speaking, she walked past him with a calm face.

"A rainbow can only be seen after the storm."

Zhao Jinchen heard these words clearly, turned his head suddenly, and saw her figure approaching the office.

"Number two, return to the team early, we are all waiting for you."

No. [-] looked at him with complex eyes, as if he had a thousand words to say to him, but in the end, he only said this one.

"it is good."

Zhao Jinchen nodded solemnly, he has seen the rainbow after the storm, it is very beautiful, very beautiful
Lu Sihui and No. [-] reported to the team headquarters, waiting for Zhou Zixu to assign them work.


Lu Sihui and No. [-] shouted outside Zhou Zixu's office, waiting quietly for him to issue an order.

"come in!"

Zhou Zixu looked up at the door, his eyes seemed to be shining with bright gems, and he called out in a clear voice.

Lu Sihui was dressed in a uniform, her pretty short hair was tightly covered by a cotton hat, revealing a small face the size of a palm.

"Report, I and No. [-] and other leadership instructions."

When Lu Sihui entered the room, she saluted Zhou Zixu with standard courtesy. She was a husband and wife at home, and a superior and a subordinate at work. She had to strictly abide by the discipline of the work unit.

"Okay, I've made the arrangements. The 20 people who have undergone special training will be organized into the first team of a large team. Number two will be your captain, number one will be the team leader, and number eight will be the deputy team leader. I will pick some individuals You guys have better overall qualities, the first team needs to expand, and your task is to train better players."

Zhou Zixu revealed the appointment of Falcon personnel. Lu Sihui performed very well in the special training base and has already obtained the rank of team leader, but her qualifications are a little less than No. [-], so she is the deputy team leader.

As for Zhao Jinchen, he is at the captain level, and he is still the captain when it comes to the Falcon unit.


Lu Sihui and No. [-] saluted together, and liked the newly appointed position.

"Go out! I'll send Deputy Captain Wu to take you to the first team in a while."

Zhou Zixu's black eyes were sharp, he put his hands behind his back, his eyes swept over the two of them, and paused for a moment longer on Lu Sihui's face.

Seeing her staring straight ahead, looking at him is the subordinate's respect for their superiors, and the corners of their lips curled up at her invisibly.

Lu Sihui silently looked away, afraid of being amused by him.

"Goodbye, leader."

No. [-] saluted and yelled loudly, Zhou Zixu frowned and looked at her, more like a man than a man.


Raising his hand to let the two of them go out, he himself sat down and wrote the report. Zhao Jinchen's matter should be finalized as soon as possible. At the same time, Lu Sihui and No. [-] also reported, and they will also be sent to the mountain village for exploration.

Then it is to call back all the scattered Falcon friends, dispatch them out, and carry out tasks.

On the first day at work, there were many things to do. He was busy until noon before he had time to eat in the cafeteria.

Among the standing friends in line, he saw his little daughter-in-law at a glance. She had a cold expression and followed the line a little bit forward.

He walked over with a blank expression, and when passing by her side, deliberately coughed twice.

(End of this chapter)

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