Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 845 A Strange Figure

Chapter 845 A Strange Figure
Lu Sihui understood what she wanted her to do?Thinking of Zhao Jinchen's sunken eyes and listless look, she decided to be a good person once.

"let me try!"

She didn't need to speak first, she answered first herself.

After training in the evening, Zhou Zixu drove outside the team and waited for Lu Sihui. He made an agreement when he came, and Lu Sihui knew that he was waiting for her outside the gate.

It snowed in the evening, and now it was getting bigger and bigger. After walking a few steps, a layer of snowflakes fell on Lu Sihui's body.

Walk out of the gate of the brigade, salute the comrade guard, in exchange for a respectful return from the other party.

It's too cold, and the doorman is working very hard.

From a distance, I saw Zhou Zixu leaning back on the jeep, smoking, with long and narrow peach eyes, staring at the direction of the unit's gate.

Lu Sihui walked over quickly, and saw that a thick layer of snow had fallen on his shoulders, and there were frost flowers on both sides of his cheeks. I don't know how long he had been waiting for her?
"Is it cold?"

Lu Sihui looked at his reddened nose and asked.

"It's not cold, but it's hot in my heart."

Zhou Zixu smiled Gouchun at her, flicked away the cigarette in his hand, and walked towards her with big strides.

"Why don't you wear a scarf?"

He helped her fasten the strap of the hat and asked her softly.

"I'm not cold, didn't you wear it too?"

Lu Sihui smiled, she just liked his meticulous care for her, even if it was just a word, her heart was warm.

"Get in the car and go home."

Zhou Zixu smiled, patted her head habitually, took her hand to the passenger seat, and opened the door for her.

"Ma'am, please get in the car."

He was half-bent, with one hand behind his back as a gentleman, and bent to ask Lu Sihui to get into the car.


Lu Sihui smiled and stepped into the car.

Zhou Zixu helped her close the door before walking towards the driver's cab with big strides. A jeep was driving towards him. He glanced casually, and there was a familiar face on the frosted windshield.

"Director Zhou."

He yelled at his eldest brother, Zhou Zisong obviously saw him too, and slowly stopped the car, his cold eyes glanced at Zhou Zixu's car, and saw Lu Sihui who was looking at him, she nodded to him and called hello.

He nodded his head coldly, and looked back at his younger brother.

"Go home?"

"Yeah? You came to see me?"

"Yes, something important."

Zhou Zisong nodded, the conversation between the two brothers was too short, you say something, I reply, there is no more nonsense.

"Sihui, you go back first! Big brother came to talk to me about something."

Regret flashed across Zhou Zixu's eyes, he wanted to sing to Lu Sihui on the way home, the husband and wife are going home!Now it's gone.

"it is good."

Lu Sihui didn't talk nonsense, Zhou Zisong came to find Zhou Zixu, it must be on business, she can't influence him.

Obediently got out of the car, saluted Zhou Zisong, walked away without stopping.

Zhou Zixu kept watching her figure disappear before turning his head to look at his eldest brother; "Say it! What's the matter?"

"Tell me in your office."

Zhou Zisong glanced around, there was no one around here, and it was quite open, but it was windy and snowy, so it was better to talk in the office.

"All right!"

Seeing his elder brother's solemn expression, Zhou Zixu nodded in agreement, and drove back to the team headquarters first, Zhou Zisong followed behind.

Lu Sihui walked home alone, thinking that there was basically nothing left of elk meat, so she was greedy for fish again, so instead of going home, she went directly to the Liaohe River.

The ice there is very thick, and if you want to fish, you have to dig through the thick ice, and you have to bring tools, but she doesn't have to be afraid, she can just send the robot there.

After sending the robot out, she looked at the screen in the space capsule, and the screen picked up Tunnei Mountain, the backing mountain, when a strange figure suddenly caught her attention.

(End of this chapter)

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