Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 846 Just Waiting to Transfer Someone

Chapter 846 Just Waiting to Transfer Someone

Turning on the wireless wave scanning, a strange light wave jumped up, she locked the position, ran out of the space capsule, and sprinted all the way towards the inner mountain.

Zixu said that Rose has not been caught yet, but this is a big villain lurking, and he still has germs in his hands. Although it is a semi-finished product, it will still cause harm.

Zhou Zisong followed Zhou Zixu to his office and took out a deciphered telegram from his briefcase.

"Look! Rose has started to act. The telegram captured by the telegraph staff last night asked her to implement the crow plan."

"What is the Raven Project?"

Zhou Zixu glanced at the telegram, there were only a few words, but he revealed an important message, and he looked up at his elder brother.

"I don't know, do you still remember Dr. Xing? He said that he developed a virus to infect the whole city. Recently, it seems that some important people are coming to S City. I suspect that they are waiting for an opportunity."

Zhou Zisong's face was solemn. This matter concerns the people of the entire S City, as well as foreign friends, so there can be no mistakes.

"Falcon, it's time to act."

Zhou Zixu put down the telegram, tapped it with his good-looking fingers, his eyes flickered.

"Yes, it's time for your falcon to strike."

Zhou Zisong nodded. This matter is very important. Originally, Falcon was under his direct leadership, but Zhou Zixu won the first place in the training school and the champion of the national competition. The leader personally summoned him and asked him what reward he wanted. He didn’t want anything else. , asked to take over the Falcon.

Strictly speaking, the younger brother took control of the Falcon from him.

"Okay, I have transferred all the Falcon members back to the team today, and the day after tomorrow at the latest, all of them will be assembled."

Zhou Zixu looked at his eldest brother with deep eyes, among these people was No.12.

"Okay, I'll go first."

Seeing his younger brother's meaningful gaze, Zhou Zisong turned around and left with a cold face.

"No more."

Zhou Zixu smiled, and watched his elder brother leave. He picked up the telegram again, squeezed his crimson Bo Chun tightly, went back to his chair and sat down, tapping his fingers on the table again and again.

What I was thinking in my heart was how to line up troops and get them out as soon as possible.

No. [-] and No. [-] are proficient in radio translation. Starting today, these two people will change shifts to monitor.

Sihui is wise and calm, cooperates with herself, and explores in the city, and Jin Chen happens to have returned to his hometown to take care of his sister as a cover-up, so it is suitable for exploration in the mountain village.

He wrote down the plan that was gradually forming in his heart on paper, and he was waiting to send troops and generals.

After all this was done, it was already three hours later, he put away the files, put them in a drawer and locked them, stood up and left the office.

Sihui is at home alone!Tonight, I originally wanted to cook for her by myself, but now he is going home to eat ready-made food.

Lu Sihui walked all the way towards the inner mountain of Gushantun, when she saw a suspicious footprint on the road, she quickened her pace.

When she reached the foot of the mountain, she went into the space capsule to observe again, and saw the figure walking down the mountain.

"Check it out, I just discovered the location of the radio wave."

Lu Sihui gave an order to the robot, she dodged up the tree herself, and she wanted to sit on the tree and wait for the rabbit.

The cold wind poured the blizzard down her neck, and when she climbed the tree, the branches were shaken, and the snow on the tree fell on her face and body.

As if she didn't feel it, she quickly climbed up the tree to find a good position.

This is an old locust tree with a thick body, and a grown man may not be able to hug it with a pair of arms.

He wasn't stupid enough to go into the space capsule and stare at the screen nervously while eating the wind and snow outside.

"The location of the radio wave is on an ancient tree 500 meters away."

The robot reported the position of the radio wave to her, and Lu Sihui smiled after hearing it. This person is as smart as herself, and she really wants to see who he is?

(End of this chapter)

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