Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 847 A fierce light flashed in his eyes

Chapter 847

The man walked down the mountain cautiously. The wind and snow in the mountain was obviously much stronger than that outside the mountain. He was having a hard time walking, but he didn't dare to delay for a moment.

Lu Sihui spent all her time looking at the screen. When this person was not far away from her, she left the space capsule and squinted her eyes at the exit of Kaoshan Tunnei Mountain.

Soon, I saw a tightly wrapped body, wearing a big blue padded jacket, a bullshit hat on his head, and a black and gray plaid scarf around his face.

The bag is too tight, and it is impossible to tell whether he is a man or a woman?

The height is about 1.7 meters, and the height of a woman is almost as tall.

Before walking out of the mountain, this man hides behind the big tree in a ghostly manner, and only after making sure that there is no one under the mountain, he comes out.

Lu Sihui looked at him quietly, this person was very vigilant, suddenly raised his head to look at the big tree where Lu Sihui was hiding, after meeting her sharp eyes, subconsciously wanted to turn around and run away, but finally calmed down and lowered his head , put both hands in the sleeves, and walked towards where she was.

Lu Sihui flew down from the tree, looked at him sharply, and asked in a cold voice.

"What did you do in the mountains?"

"Looking for some game, the child wants to eat."

The other party replied calmly, secretly observing Lu Sihui's expression with a pair of cunning eyes.

There is nothing wrong with the answer. What else can I do in the mountains besides looking for food?

"Take off your scarf."

Lu Sihui ordered sharply, pointed at him, and asked him to take off the scarf.

"It's too cold, so I won't pick it, and I haven't broken the law, so you have no right to stop me."

After he finished speaking, he wanted to walk past Lu Sihui, but was pinned to the ground by her grasping hand.

"I'll let you take off your scarf."

Ordering again, the other party glared at her angrily.

"Security personnel can't bully ordinary people, I didn't break the law."

He was still stubbornly resisting, but Lu Sihui ignored him at all, and raised his hand to pull off his scarf.

"It's you?"

When she saw the other person's appearance clearly, she was a little surprised.

"Get up, what do you want to do to hurt my daughter so badly? Do you have to go through you to find some game?"

Fang Fang's father pushed her away angrily, stood up and patted the snow on his body, and stared at Lu Si angrily.

Lu Sihui looked at him with a sneer. If she didn't have the information found in the space capsule, she might have believed what he said.

"Why are you dressed like this?"

She pointed to the clothes on his body. These clothes are usually worn by mine workers. The big padded jacket is very heavy, but it is also very resistant to wind.

"The clothes are warm, why? You also care about this?"

There was a teasing smile on the corner of Lu Sihui's mouth, Fang Fang's father felt trembling in his heart, he didn't dare to meet her eyes, but he forced himself to pretend to be tough.

"Follow me to work."

Lu Sihui said lightly, as for the radio station on the ancient tree, she planned to bring Zhou Zixu to find it.

"I won't go, my daughter is still in the hospital!"

A flash of panic flashed in Fang Fang's father's eyes, and he pressed his waist subconsciously.

Lu Sihui's eyes suddenly turned cold, and she stepped towards him, trying to subdue him again.

Fang Fang's father felt something was wrong, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes. He did not find any other footprints just now. Since she found her, don't blame him for being rude. Anyway, he couldn't go with her today.

The bitter north wind blew goose feathers and heavy snow onto the faces of the two of them, which hurt a little. A snowflake floated into Lu Sihui's eyes, and she blinked naturally. Pulling out a dagger, he stabbed Lu Sihui in the heart.

(End of this chapter)

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