Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 848 What kind of trick do you want to play again?

Chapter 848 What kind of trick do you want to play again?

Lu Sihui was already on guard when the fierce light flashed in his eyes. When the dagger stabbed him, she quickly shot, grabbed his wrist holding the dagger, twisted it backward quickly, and raised her foot to kick his lower abdomen.

Fang Fang's father let out a mournful cry, and the man flew backwards, falling heavily on the snow.

Lu Sihui walked towards him slowly, stepping on the snow, making a muffled creaking sound, which struck Fang Fang's father's heart like a death knell.

"You are rude and unreasonable, and I want to sue you."

Fang Fang's father looked at her in horror, and crawled backwards. The arm she twisted was broken, and the pain was so painful that he was covered in cold sweat.

But what really frightened him was Lu Sihui's cold eyes, as if he could see his essence through his disguise.

This was what frightened him the most. His eyes rolled rapidly, and taking advantage of the opportunity of crawling backwards, he quietly stretched his hands into his pockets.

Lu Sihui saw his movement, rushed over with a stride, and stepped on his hand under his feet.

Looking down at him, she bent down with a sneer, and looked through his pockets under his horrified gaze.

Fang Fang's father was frightened, and struggled desperately, wanting to fix things quickly, but there was no evidence, so what did he say?
At that time, he could bite Lu Sihui back.

Seeing that he was dishonest, Lu Sihui simply punched him unconscious, and solved the problem simply and rudely.

In his pocket, he found a package of things wrapped in oilcloth and newspaper, shaped like a bottle, and put the package into his pocket with a thought.

Fang Fang's father fainted on the ground and wanted to take him back, but it was obviously impossible with his own physical strength.

At this time, she thought of Zhou Zixu's sledge, and she was too lazy to move it, so she arranged for the robot to make the sledge.

Weighing the dagger snatched from Fang Fang's father in his hand, it looked ordinary and not made of special materials, but it was extremely sharp.

Take a closer look, the blade seems to be glowing with a faint blue light, poisonous?

He stared sharply at the unconscious man. Ordinary people go up the mountain, who would carry a poisonous dagger?

Put the dagger away, picked up the snow on the ground and threw it at Fang Fang's father's face, one handful, two
Think of it as making a snowman, Lu Sihui had a great time playing.

Fang Fang's father on the ground was miserable. He wanted to pretend to be dead and take the opportunity to escape, but the cold snow poured into his neck, and his body was also icy cold. It felt like he was thrown into a grave and buried alive.

In the end, he couldn't pretend anymore, and jumped up to run away, but Lu Sihui grabbed the collar of his neck and threw the last handful of snow into the back of his neck.


Fang Fang's father was shivering and shivering, his upper and lower teeth were chattering in the pampered man.

"Let me go! I just wanted to go up the mountain to collect some wild animals. I didn't do anything bad. Please, for the sake of my daughter's madness, don't hold me accountable."

If you can't be tough, Fang Fang's father started to be soft again, looking at Lu Sihui secretly with shrewd eyes.

The woman's heart is soft, he feels that there is nothing wrong with what he said, a father who loves his daughter, goes into the mountains to hunt for the child, what is this?
"Hunting? Such a simple matter, why are you afraid to go to the unit to clarify with me? There is poison on your dagger, it seems that this is not something ordinary people can have."

Lu Sihui sneered and pushed him forward, did she think she was easy to deceive?

"If I don't put poison on the dagger, I will die if I meet a wild beast."

Fang Fang's father was still quibbling, trying every means to trick Lu Sihui into letting him go.

"Go to the unit and explain to our leaders."

Lu Sihui pushed him hard, and Fang Fang's father lay on the ground. Lu Sihui frowned and looked at him. What kind of trick was she trying to do?

(End of this chapter)

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