Chapter 850

At this time, Lu Sihui was beating Fang Fang's father with a tree branch. He was lying on the ground like a mangy dog, hiding his injured arm under his body.

He had to escape before he got to the unit, the poison dagger and the poison matter were minor, the bag of things was the most important.

As long as you test it, you will know what it is?At that time, all his explanations will be as pale as paper, and no one will believe it.

Lu Sihui kicked him over, and he took the opportunity to roll a bit more, still pressing the severed arm under him.

It's just that the movement was a little louder, and he kept screaming in pain.

"Get up and go, or I'll break your arm too."

There was a sneer on the corner of Lu Sihui's mouth, she was very clear about what he was up to, anyway, he shouldn't even try to escape.

"Little girl, you are so vicious, be careful that you won't be able to live after giving birth to a child, and your husband ran away with another woman. You will not die well."

Fang Fang's father was covered in cold sweat from the pain, he gritted his teeth and stared at her, scolding her with the most vicious words, provoking her to find a chance to escape.

"stand up."

Lu Sihui didn't pay attention to what he said, anyway, it was him who was happy and suffered.

The branch in his hand lashed at him heavily, to see if it was your mouth that was faster or the branch in my hand.

Fang Fang's father scolded him to the back, and he didn't dare to say anything. This woman is too cruel, even if she was wearing a heavy padded jacket, she would beat her to pieces.

A branch was broken, and she immediately picked up another branch to whip him. Anyway, the most indispensable thing on this mountain road is dead branches.

"Stop beating, you also have parents, bullying an old man like this, let the dog eat your conscience?"

He struggled to get up, and began to pretend to be pitiful again.

"Get up and go."

Lu Sihui didn't talk nonsense with him at all, and looked down at him with a tree branch in her hand.

Her complexion was abnormally cold, and the chill came out of her body. The iron-blooded temperament of a man of iron and blood on her body made Fang Fang's father startled.

Could it be that he couldn't escape today?
A car light shone over, from far to near, the light changed from dark to bright, Fang Fang's father saw a car approaching, gritted his teeth, stood up, and rushed towards the car.

Lu Sihui didn't expect that he would use this trick, so she was anxious to catch him, but she was a step too late, and watched him crash into the car.

She hurriedly waved her hands at the car, hoping the driver would see her and slow down, preferably stop.


After the sudden brake sound, Fang Fang's father lay on the front windshield of the car, and fell to the ground again when the car stopped.

"Sihui, what's going on?"

Zhou Zixu got out of the car, ignored Fang Fang's father who was lying on the ground, but looked directly at Lu Sihui, knowing that he would be fine at all, the car stopped before he hit him.

"He's a bad guy."

Lu Sihui pointed to Fang Fang's father who wanted to get up from the ground and escape.

"Want to go?"

Zhou Zixu rushed over, grabbed him by the neck from behind, and lifted him up.

Fang Fang's father's face turned purple, why is he so unlucky today, met two evil stars, and both like to pick him by the neck from behind, is this trying to strangle him to death?
"Let's talk about it at the unit, and take him back first."

Lu Sihui opened the car door, Zhou Zixu took out the rope from the trunk, and tied up Fang Fang's father like a pig.

"It hurts like hell, my arm is broken."

Fang Fang's father cried out in pain, Zhou Zixu loosened the rope, picked him up, and stuffed him into the car.

"I sat in the back and watched him."

Lu Sihui got into the back seat directly, and Fang Fang's father sat on the back of the chair with a face ashen, lamenting in his heart that he was finished.

"Zixu, how do you know I'm on Neishan?"

(End of this chapter)

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