Chapter 851 Doomsday

"There is a tacit understanding."

Zhou Zixu turned his face and smiled at her. When he saw Fang Fang's father, his gaze turned cold a little bit.

"I was wronged."

Seeing Zhou Zixu looking at him, Fang Fang's father hurriedly defended him.

Thinking back when his daughter went to the art team to apply for a job in order to marry him, he was against it at first, but when he learned the identity of Zhou Zixu's father, he began to support Fang Fang.

The purpose was to grasp the intelligence of the security department, and he felt that his daughter was quite sure. He didn't expect that in the end, let alone Zhou Zixu's favor, even the dull Zhao Jinchen didn't look at Fang Fang.

"We will investigate, and we will never let a bad guy go."

Zhou Zixu looked at him coldly and arrogantly, he only said half of the sentence, what he said was not to wrong a good person, but he believed in Sihui, it is impossible to wrong him.

Seeing the five-star red flag fluttering from a distance, the unit will arrive soon, Fang Fang's father's face is ashen, this time there is no escape.

He had to find a way to downplay the matter, but he didn't know if Zhou Zixu would believe it.

"Get out of the car! Do you still need me to treat you?"

In front of the office building of the security compound, Zhou Zixu opened the rear door and looked at Fang Fang's father with a sneer.

Lu Sihui got out of the car first, and stood side by side with Zhou Zixu, both of them had the aura of an iron-blooded man, their eyes were as sharp as an arrow, forcing him to shrink in the back seat of the car.

Fang Fang's father had no choice but to get out of the car dawdly, with a broken wrist and injuries from Lu Sihui's beating all over his body. When he was walking, his whole body was in excruciating pain.

"Treat me first! My arm is broken."

He began to think of other ways, as long as he could go to the hospital, his internal response would find a way to save him.

"Let's be honest first. You've made it clear. I'll find a doctor for you right away."

Seeing his rolling eyes, Zhou Zixu knew his thoughts very well.

With a big hand push, the person was pushed towards defending Corey.

"This is the poison he wants to swallow, this is the dagger he wanted to assassinate me, and this bag was found on him. I suspect that there is still a radio station on the mountain. I request to lead a team to search on the mountain."

Lu Sihui was a subordinate when she was in the work unit, and she had to salute Zhou Zixu first, and her attitude was a request, not a discussion between husband and wife.

"Okay, I'll interrogate overnight, you call the clerk first, and then lead people up the mountain, pay attention to safety, and bring everyone who returned to the Falcon team."

The matter is very important, the eldest brother just said something special, and Lu Sihui has already arrested him.

She is really her lucky star, what grandpa said is exactly what she said.

"it is good."

Lu Sihui nodded in agreement, turned around and left with big strides.

Zhou Zixu's eyes turned to Fang Fang's father, and Gou Chun smiled: "Next, it's time for us to chat."

Lu Sihui led the ten people returning from the Falcon team, each with a full set of equipment, drove two jeeps, and drove towards the inner mountain of Kaoshantun.

Lu Sihui knew in her heart, she knew the exact location of the radio station, she could find it in the past, she sat in the car calmly.

"Number [-], we have been training in Neishan for a long time, and we have never seen anyone come over for a meeting. How did you meet him?"

No. [-] looked at Lu Sihui and asked, she just roughly heard what Lu Sihui said, and arrested a bad guy in the inner mountain of Kaoshan Tun.

She didn't say anything about the process, so how did she know there was a radio station in the mountains? If there was a radio station, she wouldn't have noticed it for such a long time.

"I went hunting and ran into him by chance. I just asked him a simple question. He was guilty of a crime and wanted to kill me with a dagger. That's what caught my attention."

"That's really a coincidence. If it's really special, you will have made great achievements."

No. [-] looked at Lu Sihui happily, she had made meritorious service as soon as she got married, and she would definitely have a chance to be promoted.

"Let's see if we can find the evidence we need! This man is very cunning."

(End of this chapter)

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