Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 852 Want to cover up

Chapter 852 Want to cover up
Lu Sihui looked indifferently, and looked at the window of the car, the inner mountain of the backing mountain was about to arrive, in the dark night, it looked like a huge monster, as the car approached, it seemed that it could swallow them up at any time.

"Act separately, in groups of three, turn on the flashlight, observe the footprints on the ground, there are wild beasts in the mountains at night, everyone pay attention to safety."

Lu Sihui asked loudly, since Zhou Zixu asked her to bring someone here, she is the commander in chief of this operation.

She needs to take care of everyone's safety, how they were brought out, she hopes that one person can be taken back.


Number [-] and Number [-] want to be in a group with Lu Sihui, the three of them are very familiar with the Neishan Mountain in Kaoshantun, but Lu Sihui glanced at the other groups, but they were not familiar with the Neishan Mountain, so she made a new arrangement.

Each person leads a group and acts separately.

He came in time, and the footprints of Fang Fang's father have not been destroyed, but this man is extremely cunning. In order to prevent people from finding out the location of the radio station, he has been lost in the mountains and wandered around. Instead, it is the location under the tree. He deliberately camouflaged so that no footprints could be seen.

Lu Sihui knew it well, and led the people all the way towards the ancient tree.

They have all stayed in the special training base, and everyone is different. Tracking footprints is a trivial matter to them.

Soon they came to the old tree, because Fang Fang's father deliberately used branches to cover up his footprints, which attracted everyone's attention.

"No. [-], you see, this seems to be a trace of artificial processing."

NO.11 pointed to the deliberately hidden traces on the ground, and Lu Sihui knelt down to observe for a while.

"Search around here, especially this ancient tree. The more you try to hide it, the closer you are to the truth."

After Lu Sihui gave the order, she took the lead and walked towards the ancient tree with a flashlight. The snow under her feet was soft, and if she stepped on it, her feet would be covered in snow.

The flashlights hit the old trees one after another. Some went up to check the trees, and some looked for holes in the trees below.

The three acted together, and finally found the radio station under an abandoned magpie nest.

"Send a signal for everyone to gather and go back together."

When the thing was found, Lu Sihui gave the order, NO.11 took out the signal and fired it out, and the shining signal flare illuminated the forest.

The small animals in the forest flew around in fright, and kept their vigilance against these strange visitors.

Lu Sihui took out a dagger and flew over, and a hare fell with its neck crooked in a pool of blood.

"Too accurate."

NO.11 sighed, in the special training base, Lu Sihui performed very dazzlingly, but this was the first time she used it.

"Bring it back, we can also improve the food."

Lu Sihui walked over, picked up the hare on the ground, and said something with a smile.

"Okay, this is good, if I knew that I just hit two more, this one is not enough for what to do."

NO.11 sighed, a team, so many people, a hare, no matter how small the pieces were cut, no one could catch it.

"It's okay, let's drink soup after stewing."

People gathered quickly, and ten of them returned to the unit with the radio.

Zhou Zixu was interrogating Fang Fang's father at this time, staring at him sharply, and tapped lightly on the table with his long and slender hands.

Fang Fang's father peeked at him. He used to be smiling and looked like a playboy.

Today, his jaw is tense, his black pupils are like ice, and the curve from helix to chin is rigid. Fei 1 Bo Shuangchun has a haughty line, staring at him like a cat catching a mouse.

The other party is already a dead thing in his eyes, the difference is that before he dies, he has to play him well.

Cold sweat gradually broke out on his head. This terrible tranquility was not as depressing as Lu Sihui's whipping with a branch. He seemed to be suppressed by Zhou Zixu's eyes. The monkey grandson at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain had nowhere to escape.

"Name, what are you doing in Uchiyama?"

(End of this chapter)

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