Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 853 Feeling Desperate

Chapter 853 Feeling Desperate
Cold sweat gradually broke out on his head. This terrible tranquility was not as depressing as Lu Sihui's whipping with a branch. He seemed to be suppressed by Zhou Zixu's eyes. The monkey grandson at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain had nowhere to escape.

"Name, what are you doing in Uchiyama?"

Zhou Zixu saw that the pressure on him was almost gone, so he opened his mouth slowly, his voice was lazy, but with bursts of coldness, which made Fang Fang's father shudder uncontrollably.

"Fang Youguo."

Fang Fang's father wiped off his cold sweat and honestly reported his name.

"What's more! I asked two questions, and you only answered one."

Zhou Zixu sat up straight, his sharp eyes seemed to be looking into Fang Youguo's eyes.

"Fang Fang is sick and wants to eat game from the mountains, so I went hunting in the mountains."

Fang Youguo gritted his teeth, and brought up the words that fooled Lu Sihui again.

"Oh, you use a poisonous dagger for hunting? Are you skilled? I remember that hunters hunt by digging traps, or by hunting with robs, bows and arrows. This is the first time you have seen it with a dagger."

Zhou Zixu held the gleaming dagger and looked at Fang Youguo playfully.

"I'm not a hunter. I took the poison to prevent the beast from hurting me."

Fang Youguo is still quibbling, he feels that this excuse is good.

"Really? Then why do you need to take poison? Fang Youguo, you will be lenient for confession, and strict for resistance. I have intercepted your telegram, and I know your plan. You can hear me clearly."

Zhou Zixu threw the dagger on the table and made a crisp clang. Fang Youguo's eyes froze, and he lowered his head and pretended to be dead.

"Aren't you going to say it? Well, the glass bottle on your body has been tested, and the results will come out soon. It's a germ that can cause infection. Am I right? Rose."

Zhou Zixu's long and narrow peach eyes were frosty, his face became gloomy, and he directly called Fang Youguo's nickname.

Fang Youguo trembled when he heard the word rose, and looked up at Zhou Zixu in horror.

"It's strange how I know your name is Rose?"

Zhou Zixu asked him with a sneer.

Fang Youguo bit Xiachun firmly, without saying a word.

"Dr. Xing has been arrested by us. You can really hold your breath. I'm afraid you already know the news of his arrest? We haven't entered Neishan for a year, and we have had a hard time looking for you."

Zhou Zixu knew from his expression that he guessed right. He stood up, put his hands on the desk, and looked down at him.

Already tall, he stood up like a towering mountain, pressing towards Fang Youguo.

"I do not understand you."

Fang Fang's father lowered his head in embarrassment, not daring to look at him again, his voice had already betrayed him, he had no confidence, and was in a panic.

"Don't worry, the test results will come out soon, and we will find your radio station on the mountain."

Zhou Zixu gave him a Gouchun smile, obviously this smile looked bright and beautiful, but Fang Fang's father felt hopeless.

Leaning back in his chair, his life was over.

"How many latent agents are there in S city, who is your upline? Tell me honestly."

Zhou Zixu obviously didn't want to let him go like this, and slapped the table with his big hand, which was full of shock.

"No, just myself."

Fang Youguo opened his eyes and looked at him, assuming a posture of death.

"Haha, you're quite brave, don't think we can't find out, this is a chance for you to make up for your mistakes."

Zhou Zixu looked at him with a cold face, contemptuously, pampered, earning a salary from the state, enjoying good treatment, and destroying it?

"Report, the radio station has been found."

(End of this chapter)

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