Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 854 Thinking of a Perfect Solution

Chapter 854 Thinking of a Perfect Plan

Lu Sihui's clear voice came from outside the door, Zhou Zixu smiled even more, and looked at Fang Youguo sarcastically.

"Look, we can find all the radio stations you hid, what else can hinder us?"

Fang Youguo leaned back on the chair like a puddle of mud, dejected and unwilling to say a word.

"The ones found on the ancient trees, as well as some semi-finished medicines, were all tested."

Lu Sihui and No. [-] walked into the office, put the radio on the table, and briefly reported on the execution of the task.

"Yes, well done."

Zhou Zixu looked at Lu Sihui excitedly, she was so good, he praised her with his eyes.

Lu Sihui raised her jaw slightly, the perfect arc made her look more heroic.

"Fang Youguo, confess! You still have a sick daughter, don't forget that she still needs you!"

Zhou Zixu started to use mind attack, Fang Youguo's eyes flashed with hatred, and he gritted his teeth and glared at the couple.

"Fang Fang was killed by you."

"Wrong, she was killed by herself."

In the end, Fang Youguo also refused to reveal any information about his contacts.Zhou Zixu sent someone to suppress him.

What he was thinking in his heart was how to catch all these traits in one go. Obviously, it was impossible for him to carry out such a major task by himself.

"what else can we do?"

"Use the radio."

Lu Sihui looked at the radio station on the table, as long as she sent a message, saying that it was not convenient for her to come forward, wouldn't it be all right to put the medicine in a specific place?
"It's too simple to think. These traits are very careful. You can see Fang Youguo as an example. If you didn't meet him by chance, would you know that he is a bad person?"

Zhou Zixu shook his head, a big pimple formed between his thick eyebrows.

He wanted a surefire solution, Fang Youguo's arm seemed to be injured?
The hospital informed Zhao Jinchen to transfer, but on this day, Fang Fang and Zhao Yuying stopped shouting, and he consulted with the doctor.

Zhao Yuying is paralyzed, and it is inconvenient to transfer to another hospital. The city hospital has an acupuncture department, which is said to be very effective for postpartum wind.

He still hopes that his sister can stand up as soon as possible, so that he can return to the unit he loves.

"Mom, go to sleep first!"

Seeing his mother sitting on the stool with her head like a pounding garlic, kowtowing, Zhao Jinchen helped her up with distress.

"Go to sleep for a while! Mom is not sleepy, you haven't rested for several days."

Zhou Guilan rubbed her eyes vigorously, looked at her son distressedly, and drove him to rest.

"Fang Fang's family, hurry up and have a look! Her father is in the emergency room!"

A little nurse ran into the ward. In the emergency room, a farmer sent a patient unconscious with a broken wrist and injuries all over his body.

The nurse recognized that the patient was Fang Fang's father, Fang Youguo, and hurried over to ask Fang Fang's mother to take a look.

"Help me watch Fang Fang."

Fang Fang's mother was in a hurry, she stood up and ran outside, but when she reached the door, she looked at her daughter worriedly, and gave Zhao Jinchen an angry order.

Zhao Jinchen ignored him and helped his mother to rest on the bench outside the ward.

"Mom, here's your coat, cover it up."

He handed his overcoat to Ma, folded a small mattress and spread it on the bench.

"I'm talking to you, but you didn't hear me? Why are you so rude?"

Fang Fang's mother was used to being domineering. Seeing that Zhao Jinchen turned a blind eye to her, she angrily stepped forward and punched him.

"I don't have that obligation."

Zhao Jinchen turned his head and looked at Fang Fang's mother with deep black eyes. There was a gloomy aura about him, which made Fang Fang's mother a little scared.

"It's still a guard! Serving the people, don't you know?"

Muttering in his mouth, he ran downstairs, that is the pillar of the family, it really collapsed, how can the two of them live?
(End of this chapter)

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