Chapter 860
In the hospital, Zhao's family could no longer afford Zhao Yuying's stay. Zhao Yaozu drove a donkey cart with quilts on it. Zhao Jinchen carried his sister out and put her on the cart.

"Jinchen, go back to work! We have you and me at home. Mom, I don't need you."

Zhao Jinchen was about to get in the car, but was stopped by his father. The daughter was already like this, and he couldn't let his son be ruined.

"Dad, no! My mother can't serve her by herself.

Zhao Jinchen looked at his father wearily, he still couldn't bear to see his elderly parents being dragged down by his younger sister.

"Acupuncture in the hospital for the past few days, it seems that the effect is good. Dad asked someone to find an old doctor. You can't go home. You still have income at work, which is enough for Yuying to see a doctor. Go back! Work is where you should stay. .”

Zhao Yaozu patted his son on the shoulder. In fact, there is no old doctor at all. He has already decided to change shifts with his wife to take care of his daughter.

The reason why he said that was to prevent Zhao Jinchen from worrying about him and trick him back to his work unit.

"All right!"

In the end, Zhao Jinchen didn't object any more. His allowance could also help the family. He still remembered what he said on the first day. If it didn't work, his parents could hire someone to find a housewife in the village, and it didn't cost much.

He can also stay in his beloved unit and be with his comrades.

After sending Zhao Yuying home, after the arrangements were made, Zhao Jinchen rushed back to work.

The moment he stepped into the team, his blood boiled. He still likes this free world and the red flag fluttering in the wind.

He didn't go anywhere, went directly to Zhou Zixu's office, stood outside the door and knocked lightly twice.

"Come in."

Zhou Zixu had just made a plan, when he heard the knock on the door, he yelled without raising his head.

"Report, Zhao Jinchen returns to the team."

Zhao Jinchen walked into the room with the steps of an iron-blooded man, saluted Zhou Zixu, and reported to him loudly.

"Okay, the geese who were left behind have returned to the team, and we have one more leader for today's operation."

When Zhou Zixu looked up and saw that it was Zhao Jinchen, he strode over and clasped his hands together with uncontrollable excitement in his voice.

"Yes, number two please give instructions from the leader."

Zhao Jinchen's eye circles were swollen, his eyes were surprisingly bright looking at Zhou Zixu, and his voice became louder and louder.

In the state-run restaurant in the urban area, Zhang Hongbin was still wearing his work clothes, his hair was combed more neatly than usual, and his beard was clean-shaven. He was sitting awkwardly at the dining table, looking at the order menu.

"So expensive?"

He looked a little reluctant, staring at the menu for a long time, but did not choose a dish.

"Which hotel is too expensive?"

The waiter didn't like him in the first place, but when he heard him rambling about how expensive the food was, the expression on his face was undisguised contempt.

"Give me a fat sausage!"

Being run over by her, Zhang Hongbin blushed, and pointed at the fat intestines for her to write it down.

"Okay, what else do you want?"

The waiter frowned and wrote down his order, and asked again impatiently, with a very arrogant attitude.

"a glass of wine."

Zhang Hongbin held out a finger with a smiling face.

"Wine? Good."

The waiter nodded and wrote it down in the notebook to leave.

"You look familiar."

"The food is ready."

Soon the waiter brought the dishes, smiled at him when he put down the plate, put the wine glass in front of him, turned and left.

Zhang Hongbin picked up chopsticks and picked up a piece of sausage, chewed it in his mouth, and poured himself a glass of wine.

(End of this chapter)

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