Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 861 Don't Let Her Find Out

Chapter 861 Don't Let Her Find Out
He didn't look much different from other diners. Not long after, a middle-aged woman was added to his dining table.

"Comrade, you were introduced by sister Zhou, right?"

Her question was a bit strange, without beginning or end, but Zhang Hongbin stood up enthusiastically.

"Yes! I was introduced by sister Zhou. She has something to do and didn't come today."

The other diners glanced this way. This scene is a bit like a blind date, but isn't it a little older in terms of age.

"Want something to eat? Waiter, bring me the menu."

Zhang Hongbin, who was stingy just now, became generous now.

"No, I've eaten."

The woman sat on the table by herself and looked at him with a smile, giving outsiders the feeling that she was very satisfied with the person she was dating.

"Then no need, sorry!"

Seeing that the woman refused to eat, he was sent away after the waiter came over.

Both of them looked around from time to time, as if they were very shy in meeting each other.

"Let's go for a walk!"

The woman glanced at the dishes on the table, she only took a few sips, and she just took a sip of the wine, and if she waited to waste time, she directly proposed to leave.

"Okay, waiter, check out."

Zhang Hongbin happily agreed, and called the waiter to settle the score.

The woman squeezed her hair with her hands, and glanced around again, then stood up and tugged at her clothes, standing aside and waiting for him to settle the score.

After Zhang Hongbin gave the money, he picked up the worn-out satchel on the stool and walked with the woman.

On the street, people came and went, and the two talked and walked, laughing from time to time.

"Catch it now?"

Lu Sihui asked Zhou Zixu who was beside him. He shook his head with frowning eyebrows. What he needs to do now is to dig out the entire Internet, and make sure that no one is missed.

As for the three known people, no one should try to run away.

When Zhang Hongbin and the woman came to the park, his small satchel seemed to be flattened when they left, but the woman's pocket was more bulging than before.

The woman was very cautious when walking, and Zhang Hongbin walked in the opposite direction.

Her speed is not fast, she squats on the ground to tie her shoelaces for a while, and arranges her hair facing the window for a while. She has short hair and there is nothing to do with it, so she can play with it for a long time.

Lu Sihui was really anxious looking at it, is she trying to make a show?

"Follow her, be careful not to let her find out, follow up after shift."

Zhou Zixu gave an order in a low voice, Lu Sihui was still dressed as an old lady today, and she followed slowly on the opposite street.

The woman seemed to feel something was wrong, so she sat on the steps and pretended to rest, but didn't leave, just sat there and watched the fun.

Lu Sihui got very angry with her, and really wanted to send a robot to put a tracking camera in her bag, it would save trouble, don't worry about anything, everything she talked to could be recorded.

The woman stood up after observing for a while, and left slowly. This time she walked to the bus stop to wait for the bus.

Lu Sihui walked across the road and got into the car after her.

There were quite a few people who gave up their seats to her in the car. After she thanked her, she found a seat next to the woman. The woman just glanced at her, then quietly looked out the window and stopped looking at her.

Sitting all the way to the terminal, the woman didn't intend to get off the bus, so Lu Sihui had to get off, otherwise she would be even more suspicious.

"Comrade, I can't move this leg, please help me!"

Everyone got out of the car, only Lu Sihui and the woman were left. Seeing her staring at her, Lu Sihui held out her hand to her.

"Okay, you should have said it earlier!"

(End of this chapter)

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