Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 862 Give Them A Chance

Chapter 862 Give Them A Chance
Seeing that she didn't get out of the car because she couldn't move her legs, the woman's vigilance disappeared, and she helped her out of the car with a smile.

"You still sit back?"

In the car, the driver asked the woman puzzled.

"That's right! I've made a stop, sorry, I'll pay for the ticket as usual."

The two people in the car were talking, and Lu Sihui gave an order to the robot: "Give her a tracking video."

This woman is too cunning, if she continues like this, she can only scare the snake away.

He was the last person to follow her, and as long as she stopped following her, the woman's vigilance could be relaxed.

Zhao Jinchen was arranged by Zhou Zixu today to pretend to be a couple with No. [-], her arms were held by her, and the bodies were leaning together, and he could smell No. [-]'s breath while breathing, which made Zhao Jinchen feel uncomfortable all over.

No. 1 suddenly leaned his head on his shoulder, looking tender and affectionate, the little bird clinging to others.

This is completely different from her usual female image.

"Cough cough."

Zhao Jinchen put one hand on the side of his hair and coughed twice, he wanted No. [-] to pay attention.

But she didn't seem to hear it at all, and she was intoxicated on his shoulder, but kept her sharp eyes on Zhang Hongbin.

The task of the two of them is to keep an eye on this old fox and prevent him from running away.

Seeing that she was carrying out the task seriously, Zhao Jinchen felt that he must be supercilious.

Zhou Zixu made overall arrangements for the mobilization, so he naturally noticed the situation of these two people.

He was very happy in his heart, he could tell from the gaze of that No. [-] that she liked Zhao Jinchen very much.

Sihui had mentioned to himself to create opportunities for the two of them, so today he arranged for them to be a couple.

Seeing the awkward look of the old comrade and No. [-]'s initiative, Zhou Zixu suppressed a smile in his heart.

After waiting for a long time, Lu Sihui did not come back, so he became anxious.

The last stop was followed by Lu Sihui, because the other party was only a woman, so he didn't worry too much.

"From the place where the bus gets off, look for it all."

After he gave the order, he got into the car first.

On the way, when he saw a bus coming in the opposite direction, his eyes suddenly widened.

The woman stood inside, facing the window, with a calm expression on her face.

Zhou Zixu hurried to the bus driver and shouted at him: "Comrade, please stop the bus for me, I have something urgent."

"What were you thinking about just now? You can't stop until you reach the station."

The driver yelled annoyed easily, the most annoyed passengers were the passengers who called out to get off the bus just after passing the station.


Zhou Zixu ordered him sternly, the chill in his voice frightened the driver, this man has a lot of evil spirit.

He obediently parked the car to the side of the road, Zhou Zixu rushed out of the car, turned around and chased the bus in front.

I wasted my time for a while, and watched the bus drive away.

Unwilling to lose his target like this, he started to run vigorously on the sidewalk.

His running attracted many people to look at him, and they felt that their identities would be exposed, so they had to slow down.

Fortunately, the bus has to stop for a while to let passengers get off, and then new passengers get on the bus.

Zhou Zixu strode away, and the speed was not slow. From a distance, he saw the bus stop, and the woman followed the crowd to get off the bus.

Still very vigilant, after looking around and not finding anyone following him, he quickly walked towards the vaccine center not far away.

Zhou Zixu followed her all the way, and when he saw where she was going, he already understood what she was going to do.

(End of this chapter)

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