Chapter 863 Lost?
If the telegram hadn't been intercepted and Dr. Xing hadn't been arrested beforehand, the consequences would have been dire.

Over there, according to the robot's report, Lu Sihui ran all the way towards the vaccine center.

Fortunately, the journey was not too far, with only a few stops, but an old lady running like this still attracted the attention of many people.

Lu Sihui noticed the strange eyes of the passers-by, so she went to the side of the road to stop the car. There was a kind person who stopped her. Who told her to put on old lady makeup now!

"Mother, where are you going?"

"I'm going to see my daughter, and I heard from her work unit that she fainted and is in the vaccine center, please send me to the vaccine center, please!"

Lu Sihui talked to him in an old voice, she was tearful again, it was really pitiful, the driver opened the passenger door without saying a word, and let her into the car.

Lu Sihui and Zhou Zixu met at the gate of the epidemic prevention center, and Zhou Zixu asked her lip-synch: "Did you lose track?"

"No, she's right here."

Lu Sihui also told him with her lips, what to do now is to see if this woman has any accomplices?
After re-makeup, Zhou Zixu was wearing a black woolen overcoat, with a briefcase under his arm, and gold-rimmed glasses on his nose, and walked into the vaccine center with steady steps.

"Hey, what do you do?"

The guard came over to stop him, Zhou Zixu took out a work card and handed it to him with a serious expression on his face.

Seeing his imposing manner, the guard did not dare to neglect him, took the red plastic work permit with both hands, narrowed his presbyopic eyes and took a closer look, saw the big characters of the Health Bureau on it, his attitude changed immediately, with a smile on his face, and said The words are also polite.

"Hello, is the leader here to check the work?"

"Yes, I saw a woman who just went in. She is."

Zhou Zixu deliberately pretended to be confused, as if he couldn't remember who she was?But there are some impressions.

"It's our deputy director Wang. You are in the bureau. You should have seen her during the meeting."

The guard hurriedly answered clearly that people coming from the bureau must be treated well, and if they have a bad attitude, they will be punished.

"That's fine, I'll find your leader and take me to see him."

Zhou Zixu knew the general situation, and the rest was to connect with the leader. Anyway, he had the health bureau as a cover, so he was not afraid of being exposed at all.

"He's in the office, I'll take you there."

The doorman led the way with a smiling face, and soon arrived at the door of the director's office. Zhou Zixu frowned, and his expression returned to indifferent and cold.


The doorman knocked on the door three times respectfully, then turned around and smiled at Zhou Zixu, and whispered, "The door will be opened right away."

Zhou Zixu kept a serious face, staring at the door.

There was the sound of the door opening behind him, Zhou Zixu glanced back, and saw that it was Director Wang who was following him before.

At this time, she had already changed into a white coat, holding a box in her hand. After seeing Zhou Zixu, her eyes changed subtly, and she looked at him more cautiously.

Zhou Zixu withdrew his gaze indifferently, raised his hand to push the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and quietly looked at the door of the director's office.

"Deputy Director Wang, are you going to the vaccine room?"

The guard greeted Director Wang with a smile. In the vaccine center, his position was the lowest.

"Yes, who is this comrade?"

Deputy Director Wang looked at Zhou Zixu and asked hesitantly.

"It's the comrades from the bureau who came to inspect the work."

The guard hurriedly answered with a smile, Deputy Director Wang smiled and stretched out his hand, and asked enthusiastically: "Welcome, welcome, I don't know how to address you?"

(End of this chapter)

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