Chapter 868

Zhou Zixu smiled briskly: "It's more convenient to dress casually. This time, you can mainly ask No.12 what impression he has of Big Brother."

No.12, he has already given an order, telling her to go to the Majia restaurant in the city, saying that there are follow-up tasks, and let her take a seat first.

NO.12 has no doubts at all, she must carry out the leader's order, and she also wanted to ask what the task was?
Zhou Zixu just gave her a serious look, NO.12 thought that this mission was now in the confidential stage, so he kept silent, saluted and left.

Before leaving, Zhou Zixu specifically ordered him to pretend to be casual.

Now, he took Lu Sihui and his brother-in-law to drive to the restaurant to find her.

"Is there a deal with your elder brother?"

Lu Sihui felt that it was still necessary to confirm Zhou Zisong's meaning first, don't ask here if you don't agree, it will be very embarrassing for you to meet NO.12 in the future.

"It's a deal, don't worry, big brother won't go back on his word, and he won't change if he promises."

Zhou Zixu drove the car with ease, with one arm resting on the door, looking quite chic.

It caused Lu Sihui to look at him twice, Zhou Zixu immediately noticed that she was looking at him, and smiled brightly at her sideways.

Lu Sihui looked away in embarrassment, and simply stopped looking at him, and looked out of the car window.

"There's frost all over the car glass, what are you looking at?"

Zhou Zixu didn't like that she didn't see himself in her eyes, and his voice sounded muffled, as if he was jealous with the window.

"I'm just looking at Shuang."

Lu Sihui glanced at him sideways, feeling funny in his heart at his appearance.

When he was directing actions, he was decisive, calm and wise, but when he was alone with her, he would eat a little vinegar from time to time.

But she just likes him like this, her heart is warm, and the feeling of being valued by him is really good.

Soon I arrived in the city. At night, when it was snowing heavily, there were few people walking on the street, so they all went home early.

NO.12 Sitting alone in the Majia restaurant, I looked at the boss with some embarrassment. The last table of guests in the shop also left. The boss has already asked tactfully twice.

No, he came over again: "Comrade! When will your friend come over? If you can't come, we should get off work."

The boss looked at her a little unkindly. Could it be that he disliked the cold outside and ran to his room to keep warm?
What he said was equivalent to an order to evict customers, and NO.12 had no choice but to order a dish: "How about this! You can bring me a plate of tenderloin first, and I will wait while I eat, is that okay?"

"That's fine, I'll do it for you."

After ordering, the boss's attitude was different, he agreed with a smile, and walked to the back kitchen.

NO.12 took a long breath and looked out of the window anxiously. What does the leader mean?I sent her here, but I can't come by myself.

If he doesn't come, is she going to sit here all night?

The car lights flickered outside the window, NO.12 looked at the door nervously, the leader must have come, right?
Zhou Zixu brought Lu Sihui and his brother-in-law into the room. When the door opened, the room was filled with coldness.


Because everyone was wearing casual clothes, she didn't salute, and she didn't dare to call the leader.

When performing tasks, keep secrets, she understands this.

"Sihui, you two order. I'll take Jianguo to buy some siu mai. This restaurant doesn't have it."

Zhou Zixu entered the room and took a look. Seeing that No. 12 was the only person in the room, he threw a word at Lu Sihui, turned around and left with Lu Jianguo.

"Brother-in-law, don't go, it's snowing outside."

Lu Jianguo didn't want to leave, this is a restaurant, when can't he eat siu mai?

(End of this chapter)

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