Chapter 869

"Just let you go, so much nonsense?"

Zhou Zixu put his arms around his brother-in-law's shoulders and dragged him away.

In the restaurant, NO.12 is covered, isn't the leader going to assign tasks?How did you see yourself turn around and leave?

"Number [-], what order does the leader give?"

She lowered her voice and asked Lu Sihui, maybe this task was assigned by her.

"Order first, they have something to do."

Lu Sihui watched Zhou Zixu's disappearing back, gritted her teeth secretly, and waited to go back to deal with him at night.

He raised his hand to call the boss, and lowered his head to study while holding the menu.

"I've already ordered the meat section."

NO.12 lowered her voice and told Lu Sihui that what she meant was very simple, we are here to carry out the task, and we don't need to order too many things.

Her vigilant eyes glanced at the shop owner and the kitchen team in the back kitchen from time to time. In her heart, she first identified these two people as bad guys.

If the shop owner knew that he was being regarded as a bad person, he would be depressed to death.

"Braised pork trotters, sauced beef, and a tofu stir-fry."

Lu Sihui took a look at No.12, and was amused by her vigilance. She ordered three dishes in a row. Counting the meat section ordered by No.12, she made up four dishes, one for each of the four.

"What exactly is the mission?"

Staring at the owner and returning to the kitchen, NO.12 hurriedly asked again.

Lu Sihui picked up the teapot, poured a cup for NO.12 and herself, took a sip, and put down the teacup with a frown.

It's not so much tea, it's better to say warm boiled water, there is not a little tea taste, but there is a rancid smell, as if the tea has been soaked for a day, and the tea leaves are all broken.

"There is no task. You performed well in this operation, and the leader wants to reward you."

Looking at NO.12, seeing that she had also taken a sip of tea, she frowned and lowered her brows like herself, brushed her hair, and simply turned to the business.

"No, I'm not the only one in this operation, are there other people? No. 13 and No. [-] performed very well."

No.12 was a little embarrassed, she felt that she had made no contribution at all, so she just monitored at the factory, and No.13 also contributed more to arresting Zhang Hongbin.

"It's different, by the way, I remember you have a partner in your hometown, right?"

Lu Sihui said something vaguely, and then began to abduct the object.

"No! When did I say that?"

NO.12 looked at her with a frown, trying to think back, but didn't feel that he had said this, after all, when they were in the unit, they rarely talked about personal matters.

"Oh, that's because I remembered wrongly. If you don't have an engagement partner, I can introduce one for you."

Lu Sihui took a deep breath, this is a tormenting job, looking into NO.12's eyes, wondering if she wants to look for it?
"No need, who do you want to introduce to me?"

NO.12's first reaction was to refuse, but thinking of the relationship between Lu Sihui and Zhou Zisong, he asked again.

"Uh, tell me first, what are you looking for? Mind having kids?"

Lu Sihui hesitated for a moment, but she still didn't tell Zhou Zisong right away. If No.12 minded looking for a second marriage, it would be bad for her to say so.

It's like insulting others, and besides, if it doesn't work, it will have a bad influence on the eldest brother in the future.

NO.12 Biting Xiachun and looking at her, feeling like a deer in her heart, Lu Sihui came to tell herself that she was taking care of the child again, she raised her eyes to look at Lu Sihui, and asked tentatively, "Who is it?"

Lu Sihui frowned, but this still didn't answer her question.

"Let me tell you the truth! I want to introduce you to Zixu's eldest brother. He is the director of the security department. You should have seen his appearance. He is the host of my marriage. He has a child. I don't know you. Do you mind?"

(End of this chapter)

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