Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 870 To Avoid Embarrassment

Chapter 870 To Avoid Embarrassment

Lu Sihui made it clear that she didn't like gossip, and after she finished talking, she fell down, and if she agreed, she would have sex with anyone, and if she disagreed, she wouldn't get along with anyone?
After finishing speaking, he looked at NO.12, waiting for her to give him a reply, but saw her lowering her head shyly, and she shrank her hand on the table under the table, too embarrassed to look at herself.

"Is it okay?"

She frowned and asked, what does this mean?I've never seen her so twitchy.

"Can he see me?"

NO.12 looked at Lu Sihui with a blushing face, and spoke in a low voice like a mosquito.

"Of course I can. You are so good-looking and gentle. What can he not like? If you like him, do you agree or not?"

Lu Sihui almost blurted out, it would be great if No. 12 could see Zhou Zisong, but fortunately she caught it in time.

He stared at NO.12 with piercing eyes, waiting for her to give him a correct answer.


NO.12 just said my word, and the owner of the shop came up with pork slices and tofu stir fry.

"Meat slices, tofu stir fry, would you two have some wine?"

The shop owner asked with a smile on his face. He didn't expect to come to a table after get off work. He was very happy.

"No wine, please make me some new tea, it's all gone."

Lu Sihui waved her hand, pointed to the teapot and gave him a little suggestion.

"I'm sorry! I'll change the pot for you right away."

The shopkeeper blushed, originally thinking that it was evening, there was no need to serve new tea, just fooling around with the guests at this table, but unexpectedly Lu Sihui pointed it out.

Lu Sihui nodded with a cold face, watched him leave, and looked at No.12 again: "Is your opinion valid? If not, just pretend I didn't say it."

She asked very directly, and didn't like to be twitchy and sloppy.

"As long as he doesn't dislike me, I am willing."

NO.12 raised her head in a hurry, afraid that she would answer slowly, and Sihui should ignore it, and she didn't care about being reserved when answering, and put her position very low.

Lu Sihui twitched the corner of her mouth, she always felt that Zhou Zisong was not good enough for No.12.

She is a gentle little girl, but he is an iceberg, without human feelings, and being with him is suffocating to death.

I was already prepared, and NO.12 would definitely refuse, but I didn't expect her to agree so happily?
"Okay then! It's settled like this, find a time for you to meet."

Lu Sihui simply dropped a sentence, stood up, walked to the door, and waved at the jeep, which was agreed between her and Zhou Zixu.

If NO.12 agrees, let Lu Sihui come out and invite him to enter the house. If NO.12 doesn't agree, he simply doesn't show up to avoid embarrassment.

Zhou Zixu sat on the driver's seat, staring at the restaurant door, his stomach growling. He was always restless. If NO.12 didn't agree, he and Jianguo would be hungry tonight.

Seeing Lu Sihui coming out, he greeted his brother-in-law with a smile on his face.

"Come on, let's go into the house and have a big meal."

During this meal, Zhou Zixu and Lu Jianguo were very happy, and they ate all the pig's trotters.

NO.12 eats in a gentle manner, and looks shy like a lady of every family.

Lu Sihui picked up her favorite food and ate it calmly. She was not used to serving other people's food, so she never took care of NO.12 and ate by herself.

"Number [-], you can eat some sauced beef."

Instead, NO.12 served her food, her eyes full of gratitude, and she was very excited when she thought that the two of them could become a family in the future.

"Thank you."

Lu Sihui smiled at her, glanced at the dishes on the table, picked up the pig's trotters and put them in the NO.12 bowl.

"You eat pig's trotters."

Zhou Zixu glanced at her, his long and narrow peach eyes narrowed, and there was dissatisfaction hidden in his eyes, Lu Sihui looked at him puzzled, what's wrong?
(End of this chapter)

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