Chapter 871

Zhou Zixu shook his head and sighed, it's not easy for his daughter-in-law to greet him!
He gave her a piece of sauced beef, "Sihui, have some sauced beef."

His voice was very gentle, and the gaze he looked at Lu Sihui was even more tender, No. 1 couldn't help but glance at him, only now did he know that No. 12 was called Sihui.

There is a faint hope in my heart, I hope that Zhou Zisong can also be like his younger brother, treat his wife well and love her.

After eating, NO.12 wanted to rush to pay the bill, but Zhou Zixu stared at him.

"I'm the leader, how can you invite me to dinner?"

NO.12 can only watch him go to pay.

Walking out of the hotel, the snowflakes were even bigger than before. The wild north wind seemed to want to blow everyone away. The snowflakes were its weapons, and it hit the four of them with its head covering its face.

"Sihui, cover it up."

Zhou Zixu stopped Lu Sihui, took off his coat, covered her head, put his arms around her shoulders and walked towards the jeep.

Wearing only a sweater, he doesn't seem to feel the cold at all, and his body is as strong as a yak.

NO.12 sighed again, if Zhou Zisong could treat her like this, let alone bring a child, even if he brought a reinforcement platoon, she would be happy.

I began to imagine what it would be like to meet him, and whether he fell in love with her at first sight just like she fell in love with him at first sight.

Zhou Zisong stood in front of the window of his son's room, leaning against the window full of grilles, and looked at Dong Sheng who was sleeping soundly on the bed.

His eyes became farther away. It was his comrades who saved his life when he was on a mission, and the price he paid was the loss of his own life.

His only dying words were to worry about his family, his pregnant wife, and his aging parents.

That year, he returned from his mission and found his home, but that year floods flooded his home, and mudslides buried his home. Only the pregnant woman was rescued by neighbors.

Her head was bleeding and her injuries were serious. He sent her to the hospital, but it was already a step too late.

The strong and great mother gave birth to a child with her last strength.

She stared at herself stubbornly, and asked him for a promise before she died.

Bring Dongsheng up and don't let people bully him.

Dongsheng is also the name she gave her child. She hopes that her son will be like the rising sun and live under the sunshine all his life.

He took a deep breath, he had been hiding it for so many years, he just didn't want Dongsheng to know that he was an orphan, and he didn't want outsiders to hurt him or bully him.

They have already made a decision, not to marry for the rest of their lives, to bring him up, and when he grows up, tell him everything.

But I didn't expect that I originally wanted to protect him, but brought him great harm.

Walking over to sit by the bed, looking at Dongsheng's sleeping face, his Adam's apple rolled a few times, and his big rough hand gently brushed the child's little face.

"I hope you grow up carefree."

Dongsheng, who was sleeping soundly, seemed to sense his father's love for him, and smiled sweetly in his dream,
He leaned towards his father, until he leaned against him, and then fell asleep again, his small appearance was like a satiated kitten.

Zhou Zisong's hard-hearted heart softened at this moment, and the corners of his tightly pursed mouth slightly raised.

"Sleep! Dad is with you."

That night, Zhou Zisong didn't go back to his room, he hugged Dong Sheng all night, and he slept in a rare solid sleep.

The next day, he woke up early, and when he opened his eyes, he saw his son smiling at him. His bright eyes were like sparkling black grapes.

"Daddy, morning."

Seeing his father open his eyes, Dongsheng smiled and threw himself into his arms, calling out to him sweetly.

Zhou Zisong didn't know how to answer that satisfied smile.

(End of this chapter)

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