Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 872 Are You Really Not Curious?

Chapter 872 Are You Really Not Curious?

Zhou Zisong made an exception to accompany his son to wash, listening to his immature voice, "Dad, Dad" yelling non-stop.

"Go downstairs for dinner."

With a serious face, he stopped his son's nagging with orders.


Seeing his father's gloomy face again, Dong Sheng agreed honestly, and followed him downstairs by himself.

As soon as they walked down the stairs, they saw the door open. Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui appeared at the door covered in snowflakes. The cold wind blew into the room from behind them, and the temperature in the room seemed to drop several degrees instantly.

"Why did you come back so early in the morning?"

When Mr. Zhou saw his little grandson and grandson's wife, he immediately smiled and threw down the newspaper in his hand to welcome them.

With a hearty voice and full of energy, Zhou Zixu smiled and opened his arms, wanting to give his grandfather a warm hug, but the old man slapped him away.

"Sihui, is it cold? Come into the room and ask Xiao Su to make some brown sugar ginger water for you to drink."

Zhou Zixu looked at his grandfather sadly, and he was completely ignored by him.

"Grandpa, is my goal bigger than Sihui?"

He smiled and asked his grandfather, reminding him, where is he here?

"Let's go."

Mr. Zhou stared at him, ignored him at all, and still looked at Lu Sihui with a smile.

"I heard that you have made great achievements again. You are really promising. Grandpa is proud of you."

"Grandpa, I'm the captain, and I'm the one in command, okay? What are you saying when you look at Sihui?"

Zhou Zixu put away his smile, and muttered to his grandfather in dissatisfaction. It was not once or twice that he was ignored by his grandfather, but why did he give Sihui the credit?

"That's because Sihui cooperated well, but you can't do it yourself."

Mr. Zhou gave him a blank look, can he still let himself have a good talk with Sihui?Always followed by chaos.

Zhou Zisong looked at them silently, this is a family, talking and laughing, making jokes, why can't he be like his younger brother?

"came back."

He tried to ask a question, but after he finished speaking, he felt a little regretful, his tone was still rigid, as if a superior was rigid to a subordinate.

"Brother, I'm at home! I happened to find you on something, and I was worried that you were at work!"

Zhou Zixu stopped arguing with his grandfather and walked towards his elder brother with his long legs.

"Find me?"

Zhou Zisong couldn't help frowning, what did he want to go home to find himself?

Looking at his younger brother suspiciously, he saw that he was smiling narrowly at him, his eyes were shining, as if he had something very good to say to him.

"Yes! It's a good thing to find you."

Zhou Zixu's smile became stronger, and today he was more pleasing to the eyes of his eldest brother, not because he greeted him, but because he felt that the coldness between his brows and eyes was less and more human.

"I already know that your actions were successful. The leaders praised you for this matter. You did a good job."

Zhou Zisong looked at his younger brother with admiration in his deep black eyes. His younger brother had grown up, which really impressed him.

Rose, whom she couldn't find herself, was caught by her younger brother, who smashed their plot and maintained the safety of S City.

"Brother, this is my favor, not yours."

Zhou Zixu raised his eyebrows and looked at his eldest brother, with a wider smile on his lips, looking at him deliberately and mysteriously.

"Let's eat!"

Zhou Zisong's brows were twisted into big pimples, why did he feel that his brother was laughing at his incompetence?
She stopped looking at him and turned her face to greet Dong Sheng, only to see that the little guy had already run to pester Lu Sihui.

"Hello, auntie." Dong Sheng hugged Lu Sihui's leg and smiled sweetly at her.


Lu Sihui smiled and brushed his round face.

"Brother, you are really not curious. Is there anything good I want to tell you?"

(End of this chapter)

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