Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 884 He Steals Dad's Lines

Chapter 884 He Steals Dad's Lines

Outside, Zhou Zixu had just closed the car door and was saying goodbye to Lu Sihui when he saw his attendant running out in a hurry.

"What's the matter? Chased by wolves? You're so flustered that you don't look like a comrade."

Zhou Zixu glared at him, and just after teaching the guard a lesson, he saw him winking at him.

Looking around, there were two jeeps parked outside the leader's office. He glanced at the license plate and shook his head with a smile.

"Sihui, we haven't been late for a year, but this time we were caught by the old man. I want to hear his Dongdong lion roar later, so please comfort me first."

He pretended to be pitiful with a bitter face, Lu Sihui glared at him, ignored him, and ran quickly towards the training ground.

"Captain, hurry up and go in."

The service comrades are sweating, the old minister inside has a dark face, and the captain is still here flirting with his wife, are you afraid that he will be dealt with badly soon?
"Why are you nervous? He can't eat you, calm down."

Zhou Zixu patted him on the shoulder, walked into the room with his head held high.

"Minister Zhou, Vice Minister Ma, Political Commissar Zhang, welcome, welcome."

Zhou Zixu saluted as soon as he entered the door, with a smile on his face and a clear voice that could be heard in the corridor.

"Hmph, what a big air you are, the leader of the brigade? You came later than the rest of us."

Seeing his son smiling all over his face, Zhou Baichuan was furious.reprimanded him coldly.

"This problem is very serious. The car broke down. I can't control it artificially. I'm sorry. I will write a review right away. I must deeply review my lateness."

Zhou Zixu admitted his mistakes with a good attitude, and the smile on his face never stopped.

Looking at Dad with a smile, his complexion became darker, and he was secretly proud that he took Dad's lines away.

"The car broke down, so we can't blame Zixu, let's go to the practice field to have a look!"

Vice Minister Ma helped Zhou Zixu to speak, and also gave Zhou Baichuan a step. How could he really do something to his son?

Zhou Baichuan glared at his son and snorted coldly, took a deep breath, and let this matter go.

On the training ground, the trainees were carrying out the 5000-meter weight-bearing run in the early morning, with leggings on their legs, luggage bags on their backs, and muskets in front of them. They had to run neatly.

When Zhou Baichuan arrived, all he could hear was the sound of running in unison. The stationers were full of energy and momentum. As a minister, seeing the momentum of the stationers under him naturally made him feel very good.

Zhou Baichuan saw his daughter-in-law Lu Sihui among the people training around the training ground, so he naturally took a second look.
Her resolute gaze, bright mirror-like eyes looking forward, has the aura of an iron-blooded man. She is not inferior to the male station guard beside her, and she nods in satisfaction.

"Not bad, Junzi is very good."

Zhou Zixu stood beside him, glanced at his father's gaze, and smiled triumphantly.

His Sihui is the best, worthy of his father's praise.

"Zixu, it's not bad, you lead the team very well."

Political commissar Zhang praised Zhou Zixu, but secretly looked at Lao Zhou. This man was too stubborn. His own son didn't even have a word of praise.

"Zhou Zixu, tell me about your next training plan."

Zhou Baichuan finally put his attention on his son, and asked about serious matters as soon as he came up.

"Tomorrow, I plan to go to the field with Zhou Zisong to practice. I have an idea. Let's play the red team, let the defense team play the blue team, and have a game of kings."

(End of this chapter)

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