Chapter 885 Rising Star
Zhou Zixu reported the plan in his heart to Zhou Baichuan. In his mind, An Yi was suicide.

It is necessary to keep the stationers with a sense of urgency at all times, and increase the training of real stations, so that when they encounter real stations, casualties can be reduced, and they will not be confused and do not know how to fight?
"That's a good proposal. You can bring it up in a meeting later. The few of us will personally supervise and be a referee for you."

Zhou Baichuan's eyes lit up. He thought his son's proposal was very good, so he had to ask the trainees to go out to simulate field battles more, to improve their military quality and practical ability.

"Okay, I will bring it up during the meeting later, and I will write a report and show it to the leaders later."

Seeing that his father was interested in his proposal, Zhou Zixu was naturally happy and full of pride.

Finally, I can get my father's approval, so naturally I have to show it well.

"Leader Zhou, your Zixu is really a rising star, that's amazing!"

Deputy Minister Ma saw that Zhou Zixu was eloquent, and his oral expression ability was already excellent, but he even made a written report, and came prepared, which is even more worthy of praise.

"Let's go! Go back to the ministry first, Captain Zhou, you'd better write your report in detail. Come to the ministry in the afternoon to give a detailed report. Don't lose face in front of all the leaders."

Throwing a sentence to Zhou Zixu coldly, Zhou Baichuan took him away.

"What can I do with two compliments? Why are you stingy with every compliment?"

Looking at his father's back, Zhou Zixu muttered something in a low voice. It happened that the wind was not in the right direction. His words were blown into Zhou Baichuan's ears by the wind, and he paused.

The political commissar Zhang beside him looked at his old friend with a funny face. The child was complaining, why was the father so indifferent?

Seeing his father standing still, Zhou Zixu regained his seriousness and straightened his back, waiting for him to turn around and speak.

"Let's go!"

Who knows, Zhou Baichuan didn't look back at all, but greeted Political Commissar Zhang and Vice Minister Ma and left.

Zhou Zixu blinked his eyes, depressed, and lifted his foot to kick away the snow in front of his feet. He shouldn't have expected it.

Lu Sihui saw her father-in-law from a distance, and also saw Zhou Zixu kicking away the snow, her brows frowned. Could it be that the father and son had some conflict again?

In the afternoon, Zhou Zixu drove to the Ministry for a meeting. At the meeting, he presented his feasibility report, including the significance of this exercise, possible dangers and emergency preparedness.

The plan was very thorough, even Zhou Baichuan applauded secretly in his heart.

Zhou Zisong listened to his younger brother's explanation of the whole exercise plan with a serious face. The more he listened, the more he felt it was good, and he looked at Zhou Zixu with admiration.

Zhou Zixu talked endlessly from the meaning of the exercise, to the improvement of the overall quality of the Iron-Blooded Man, and the need to maintain the Iron-blooded Man's standing ability at all times in peacetime, etc.
"Report, I'm done."

His speech attracted everyone's attention. They watched him intently, and saluted the leaders present until he finished speaking.

"Clap clap."

Political Commissar Zhang took the lead in applauding, and stood up excitedly: "You speak so well, our unit needs such an iron-blooded man who is thoughtful, intelligent, and always vigilant."

The other leaders who came to the meeting felt that Zhou Zixu's proposal was very fresh and interesting, and when they saw the political commissar applauding, they all followed suit, and there was thunderous applause in the conference room.

"Thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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