Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 886 You Are Too Steady

Chapter 886 You Are Too Steady

Zhou Zixu stood up and saluted again, this time to all those present who supported him.

"That's right. Let's start with the defense brigade and the Falcon team. For the rest of the units, find the opposing units by yourself. Treat the exercise as a real station. We can fight as soon as we pull it out. The training programs must be combined with the real station to cultivate comprehensive The technology is the king's talent."

Zhou Baichuan stood up and raised his hand to prevent the people below from continuing to applaud. He made a speech, which was a summary of the meeting.

At the same time, the actual station exercise between Zhou Zixu and Zhou Zisong was approved.

"Zixu, good job."

Walking out of the conference room, Zhou Zisong looked at his younger brother and praised him sincerely.

Because of Zhou Zixu's plan, they went out for field training, which was postponed for two days, allowing the two units to adjust and enter the battle state.

"Brother, since I won't be going to the field for training tomorrow, shouldn't it be time to meet NO.12, the girl is looking forward to it!"

Zhou Zixu didn't mention the exercise, but instead asked about the blind date with a smile.

Zhou Zixu's serious face was a little embarrassed because of his younger brother's words, he coughed twice, and walked away.

"Brother, don't pretend to be confused, you promised grandpa yourself, you can't back down, just escape from the ice."

Zhou Zixu obviously had no intention of letting him go, and stopped him in front of him, preventing him from opening the car door, and refused to give him permission to leave.

"Grandpa said, let her come to our house for dinner at night."

Zhou Zisong rolled his eyes at his younger brother coldly, threw him a word, and pushed his brother away with his big hand to open the door and get into the car.

"Why didn't you say it earlier? It's too sure."

Zhou Zixu yelled at his elder brother angrily, but took another mouthful of car exhaust.

Frowning and shaking his fist, is it easy for him?The emperor is not in a hurry, the eunuch is in a hurry, who is looking for a wife?
It was already past five o'clock in the evening, Lu Sihui finished training and was ready to go home.

NO.12 has been on her mind for a whole day, and if she doesn't meet Zhou Zisong, her heart will never fall to the ground.

"Sihui, do you want to go home?"

She dawdled and waited until the other stationmates had entered the room before leaning over to talk to Lu Sihui.

Lu Sihui raised her eyes and glanced at her, NO.12 bit Xiachun, pinched the corner of her clothes with her hands, looking shy like a little daughter.

Immediately understood what she wanted to ask?But he wanted to tease her a bit.

He asked lightly. "Yes! What's the matter?"

"Ahem, what happened yesterday"

NO.12 hesitated, and began to hesitate in speaking. She was embarrassed to ask this question, and asked it every day, as if she hated being married so much.

But she felt that if she didn't take the initiative, it would be even more impossible for that Zhou Zisong to take the initiative.

"Didn't I ask when my elder brother will be free? Didn't I tell you? It will be ten days later, but it's not like I won't see you at all. The leader said that the Falcon team and the security team will participate in the field training. When the time comes Can I see you?"

There was a slight smile on the corner of Lu Sihui's mouth, and she told her in advance so that she wouldn't be so uneasy.

"Really, that's great, Sihui, thank you and the captain."

NO.12 was so excited that he almost jumped up, his little face was flushed, and he didn't look like a strong woman during training.

"What are you talking about? Why do you two keep hiding and talking by yourself recently?"

No. 1 walked over on the snow, she could see Lu Sihui's mouth moving, although she couldn't hear what she said, but she could almost guess the words from her lips.

(End of this chapter)

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