Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 890 You are going to have a new mother

Chapter 890 You are going to have a new mother

Zhou Zixu glanced at his watch, and after more than half an hour of going back and forth, he was standing outside freezing.

Lu Sihui glanced at him, such a nose is not a nose, and a face is not a face, which scared No.12.

She might become his sister-in-law in the future!She helped NO.12 open the rear door, smiled and gave her a comforting look, "Get in the car!"


Zhou Zixu flicked one cigarette butt away, and strode towards the driver's cab.

Zhou Zisong has returned home now, and reported to his grandfather about No. 12's dinner at night.

It doesn't matter if you don't say anything, grandpa is waiting for him eagerly!

"It's not bad. Go and tidy up, Xiao Su, wash Dongsheng's face and change into new clothes. We're going to have guests today, so cook some good dishes."

The old man began to urge Zhou Zisong, not forgetting to command Aunt Su.

"Grandpa, no need, it's fine as usual."

Zhou Zisong didn't move at all, and he didn't let Aunt Su change or dress up Dongsheng.

"You have to make a good impression on the girls, right?"

Grandpa Zhou glared at his grandson. Although Dongsheng's clothes were clean, he just felt that they were not enough.

"Grandpa, if she can't accept me and Dongsheng like this, then there's no need to continue."

Zhou Zisong made a cold face. He has his own personality and doesn't like to change for anyone.

"All right, all right, you're always right, Xiao Su, let's make some rice and some tough dishes."

Mr. Zhou couldn't persuade him, so he had to tell Aunt Su.

"Okay. I just bought a lot of vegetables today!"

Aunt Su is happy from the bottom of her heart that Zixu is happily married, and she hopes that Zisong will be happy too.


Mr. Zhou sent her away, then dragged Zhou Zisong to sit on the sofa, and gave him a vaccination in earnest.

"Zisong, this little girl is much younger than you! Don't be cold-faced and scare her."

Zhou Zisong looked at his grandfather strangely, and replied in a cold voice: "Grandpa, she is an iron-blooded man, how can she be so timid? The instructors at the special training base are much more ruthless than me."

"You also said that that is the instructor, and you are her partner, can that be the same?"

Mr. Zhou stared at him bitterly, how can you say that you don't understand?

"I'm usually like this. If she can't accept it, it's better not to force it."

Zhou Zisong stood up while speaking, he didn't want to continue this topic.

Stretching his long legs, he walked upstairs. He needed to quiet his ears. Grandpa was too chatty.

"I really broke my heart for you."

Grandpa Zhou watched the eldest grandson's upright body go up the stairs and disappeared at the top of the stairs, and heaved a heavy sigh.

When Zhou Zisong upstairs heard his grandfather's words, he stopped in his tracks and frowned tightly.

Dongsheng's big eyes flashed with excitement, he leaned on his grandfather's arms, and asked him in a low voice about the new mother.

"Grandpa, am I going to have a mother?"

Children can't hide their joy, and they can easily infect others. Mr. Zhou was still depressed just now. Seeing his excited little appearance, he smiled and hooked the tip of his nose.

"Yes, you are going to have a new mother, you must behave well, and don't let her look down on you."

"Well, I see."

Dong Sheng nodded heavily, his big black eyes fixed on the door, looking forward to seeing the new mother soon.

There was a sound of brakes outside the door, Xiao Dongsheng stood up suddenly from the sofa, and ran to the door.

Before Zhou Zixu and the others entered the house, he opened the door.

"Uncle, Aunt"

When he saw NO.12 behind them clearly, Dong Sheng was stunned with his eyes wide open.

(End of this chapter)

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