Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 891 Who is going on a blind date?

Chapter 891 Who is going on a blind date?
He recognized NO.12. When my uncle got married, she even held his hand!

"Why are you so stupid?"

With a big hand, Zhou Zixu hugged his nephew in his arms and scratched his itch with a smile.

"I know her."

Dong Sheng whispered in his uncle's ear.

"Oh, do you like it?"

Zhou Zixu's smile deepened, the mysterious look of his little nephew was so much fun.


NO.12 smiled sweetly at Dongsheng, and successfully blocked what Dongsheng wanted to say to his uncle.

Dong Sheng looked at her blushing, forgetting to call Auntie.

"Dongsheng, this is your aunt."

Lu Sihui helped out, and winked at Dongsheng, didn't she want a mother?Why don't you behave well now.

"Hello Auntie."

Dong Sheng yelled obediently, and secretly observed NO.12 with big eyes.

In terms of appearance, he is satisfied. The classmates in kindergarten will not laugh at him. She is looking at him and laughing. She seems to have a good temper, so she probably won't hit him.


NO.12 smiled even more. Looking at this cute child, she really wanted to reach out and hug him.

Mr. Zhou has been staring at No. 12 since he entered the room, especially at her attitude towards Dongsheng.

Seeing her smiling face to Dongsheng all the time, she was very satisfied in her heart, and walked into the room with a smile.

"Come in!"

"Hello grandpa."

NO.12 saluted old man Zhou, and called grandpa with a smile.

The voice is gentle and pleasant, and the smile is even sweeter.

"Okay, okay, it's cold! Xiao Su, pour some hot tea."

When the old man heard that the child was so polite, the smile on his face became wider. He shouted at the kitchen and gave NO.12 to the sofa.

"Sit down! I heard that you and Sihui trained together at the special training base?"

The old man began to search for the root cause.

"Yes! We met at the special training base."

NO.12 was a little nervous, and looked around secretly. The furnishings at home were calm and elegant, and looked very tasteful, but why didn't I see him?

"How many people are there in the family? How old are you this year?"

Mr. Zhou was still asking, smiling, looking very amiable.

Lu Sihui looked at Zhou Zixu and raised her eyebrows. When she first came here, Grandpa didn't ask questions like this.

"Five people in the family, parents, elder brother, younger brother, I am the second child, 20 years old this year."

NO.12 answered one by one, with his hands cramped on his knees, his palms were sweaty from nervousness.

"Don't be nervous, let me introduce the situation of our family, just the two brothers, Zisong is 27 years old this year, seven years older than you, don't you mind?"

Mr. Zhou was very afraid that this gentle and beautiful girl would dislike Mr. Zisong.

"I don't mind, I like older ones."

NO.12 blushed, looked down at his toes, and made a low voice like a mosquito.

"That's good, that's good, and my great-grandson, I don't need you to serve me, it's just"

Mr. Zhou was very happy. He didn't care about his age, so he was in love with his grandson. He brought up the matter of Dongsheng, and he didn't finish his sentence. I believe the little girl can understand the meaning of what he said.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I will definitely treat him as my own son."

NO.12 Regardless of shyness, he raised his head and made a promise to Mr. Zhou.

It's just that after she finished speaking, her face turned red like a big ripe apple.

"I'm going to see my brother."

Zhou Zixu didn't see his eldest brother after entering the door for a long time, which is outrageous, who is going on a blind date?
What is he doing upstairs?The big girl is shameless?

(End of this chapter)

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