chapter 892

"Yes, call him down!"

Mr. Zhou agreed to send his grandson upstairs, and Aunt Su came over with a tea tray, staring at No.12 with a pair of eyes and a smile on her face.

"Drink some hot tea! Drive away the cold."

"Thank you."

NO.12 bowed politely, and took the teacup with both hands. Mr. Zhou saw this move, and immediately nodded in satisfaction.

This is a well-bred girl, and being Dong Sheng's stepmother would not be bad to him.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

Zhou Zixu went upstairs and knocked on the door of the elder brother's room, calling him outside the door.


Zhou Zisong opened the door for him with a serious face. Zhou Zixu glanced at him. He was still in the same uniform, and his face did not show any joy.

"Brother, can we stop being so tense all the time? Are you tired! This is home, not work?"

Zhou Zixu said something to him dissatisfied, Zhou Zisong walked back to the room as if he didn't hear it, put away the notebook on the table and put it in the drawer.

"Brother, what are you writing?"

Zhou Zixu's eyes flickered for a moment, he was very curious, was it the elder brother's plan when he was at the reality station?

You know, the two of them are enemies!

"Don't be a spy, you won't win by force."

Zhou Zisong threw him the eight words coldly, and walked out first without looking back to see if Zhou Zixu had peeked at his plan.

"Of course I don't bother to peek, but, brother, I want to tell you that there are spies in the real battle. This is a commercial secret for you. You should take protective measures yourself, instead of creating opportunities for your opponent. .”

Zhou Zixu followed behind him and taught him a serious lesson.

"When the false is true, the true is false."

Zhou Zisong glanced at him nonchalantly, then threw him a few more words, which made Zhou Zixu very depressed.

After making trouble for a long time, his plan might be a trap!

"Brother, NO.12 is here, you have to pay attention to your attitude, don't be cold to others, you still have to show the minimum courtesy."

When Zhou Zixu went downstairs, he quickly reminded his elder brother.

Zhou Zisong's eyes flickered for a moment, and he didn't answer his words at all. His steps were not fast or slow, like a prince going downstairs, cold and noble.

NO.12 became excited when he heard the sound of footsteps, looked up and saw Zhou Zisong's tall figure with a cold demeanor, his heart couldn't help but jump wildly.

"Zisong, come here quickly, this is Comrade Xiao Li."

Mr. Zhou had already asked No.12's name just now, and when he saw the eldest grandson coming downstairs, he hurriedly greeted him with a smile.

Ever since NO.12 entered the room, the smile on Mr. Zhou's face has never stopped.

"Director Zhou."

Regarding the relationship of identity, NO.12 stood up and gave Zhou Zisong a respectful ashes.

His face was ashamed as a blooming rose.


Zhou Zisong was still on the shelf of the work unit, and said something lightly, his voice was cold and without warmth.

"Xiao Li sat down and said, this is a home, not a work unit, what kind of salute is there?"

Mr. Zhou glared at his grandson, then looked at NO.12 with another kind smile on his face.

"I'm going to help Aunt Su cook."

Lu Sihui stood up in a timely manner. She felt that it was better not to stay in such a scene.

"Okay, I'll go with you, brother, and help entertain Li Yanhong."

Zhou Zixu's wife sang her husband, and before leaving, she winked at her eldest brother, signaling him to stop being so cold.

"I'll take a look too, you two talk."

(End of this chapter)

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