Chapter 893

Seeing Lu Sihui leave, NO.12 suddenly became nervous. He didn't know where to put his hands. He placed them on his knees and on his sides for a while, and dared not look at Zhou Zisong.

But if you don't look at him, it doesn't mean you can't feel his existence. It's just that this man's aura is too strong, and the cold air is whizzing from him. No.12 feels like he's sitting next to an iceberg, breathing cold air.

Mr. Zhou originally planned to leave, but he saw his grandson sitting there coldly, looking at his nose and mouth, without saying a word, like a sculpture, and he didn't even look at No.12.

"Xiao Li! Don't be nervous, my grandson is not very talkative, he is still a good person."

Helpless, he had no choice but to comfort NO.12 first, but kicked his grandson under his feet.

"Zisong, don't just sit there, pour some tea for Xiao Li."

He simply gave the order. Zhou Zisong raised his eyelids to look at his grandfather. Seeing him glaring at him, he frowned. He stood up and held the teapot to pour some tea for NO.12.

NO.12 When he stood up, his palms were covered with cold sweat, he raised his eyes and looked at him secretly, his face was covered with red clouds.

"The glass is full."

Zhou Zisong glanced at the cup in front of her. Aunt Su had already filled it with tea just now, she put down the teapot indifferently, and turned around to explain to Grandpa.

"Then give Xiao Li some fruit to eat."

Mr. Zhou was almost killed by his grandson's anger. He was a boring donkey, so he whipped a whip and walked two steps.

"it is good."

Zhou Zisong reluctantly picked up the apple on the table and put it in front of NO.12 with a "snap".

He said bluntly, "Eat the apple."

"You are being peeled!"

Master Zhou didn't even notice, with such an attitude, what girl can't be scared away?
"No, I like to eat with the skin on."

NO.12 rescued Zhou Zisong, glanced at him secretly, his eyes dimmed, he had no intention of peeling the apple for her at all.

"Auntie, I'll cut it open for you."

Xiao Dongsheng picked up the fruit knife and awkwardly helped NO.12 cut an apple.

"Auntie, come by yourself, don't cut off your hands, children can't play with knives, you understand?"

NO.12 hurriedly grabbed the fruit knife and coaxed him gently, Zhou Zisong raised his eyes and glanced at her, seeing that the concern in her eyes was not faked.

He lowered his eyelids, pursed his lips tightly, but still didn't say a word.

"Sihui, do you think my elder brother looks like a gourd?"

Zhou Zixu stood at the door of the kitchen, inspecting the enemy's situation, and was taken aback by his elder brother's manner, and went back to the kitchen to complain to Lu Sihui.

"Never mind, fate is destined, just like you and me."

Lu Sihui was pouring egg liquid into the pot, scrambled eggs with hot peppers, Zixu liked to eat them.

She had known Zhou Zisong's behavior for a long time, and she didn't expect him to be very enthusiastic when he saw No.12, and he would be fine if he didn't show his attitude towards Shi Bing in the unit.

"Your elder brother's character is just like your father's, but when your father chased your 1. mother back then, he wasn't like him."

Aunt Su was naturally also very nervous about Zhou Zisong and No.12, she poked her head in from time to time, secretly worried for Zhou Zisong.

He even told about Minister Zhou's pursuit of Zixu's mother. This sentence aroused the interest of Lu Sihui and Zhou Zixu, and they looked at Aunt Su expectantly.

Zhou Zixu hooked Aunt Su's shoulders with his big hands, and asked her with a smile: "Aunt Su, tell me, how did my father chase after my mother back then?"

Lu Sihui quickly scrambled eggs and peppers over there. The pungent taste of the peppers made Aunt Su cough.

Zhou Zixu was so anxious that he patted her on the back: "Aunt Su, are you feeling better? Tell me quickly, I want to know."

(End of this chapter)

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