Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 894 Will You Be My Mother?

Chapter 894 Will You Be My Mother?
Aunt Su coughed and burst into tears, waved her hands and ran out of the kitchen. Zhou Zixu put his hands on his waist and looked at the kitchen door helplessly.

This happens every time Aunt Su stir-fry chili, she seems to be allergic to this taste.

In the living room, in order to give NO.12 and Zhou Zisong a chance to spend time alone, Mr. Zhou stepped forward to take Dongsheng away.

"You two have a good chat, I'll take Dongsheng to the study to read."

"Grandpa, I want to be with my aunt."

Dong Sheng was unwilling to leave, and stayed by NO.12's side, looking at her pitifully.

"Grandpa, it's okay, I like this child very much."

NO.12 is also unwilling to let the child go. I really don't know what to say to Zhou Zisong?Besides, she was a little afraid of the chill all over his body.

It felt like being in a special training base and being afraid of the instructors.

"That's fine, Dong Sheng, don't make trouble!"

Mr. Zhou didn't force it, after all, he still wanted to observe No.12's attitude towards Dongsheng, which was the condition for deciding whether Zisong could continue to associate with her.

After he left, the embarrassing time began. Zhou Zisong sat there by himself, still like an iceberg, without even glancing at NO.12 from the corner of his eyes.

And NO.12, as a little girl, naturally couldn't take the initiative to talk to him. Fortunately, there was a little Dongsheng, and the little guy could liven up the atmosphere to some extent.

"Auntie, will you be my mother?"

After chatting for a few words, Xiao Dongsheng couldn't wait to get to the point. He stared at NO.12's face with his big black eyes, and asked her seriously.

NO.12 had just picked up the tea and took a sip. Facing Zhou Zisong's silence, her mouth was dry from nervousness.

Just took a sip of hot tea, and was stunned by Xiao Dongsheng's questioning, almost spit it out, swallowed it hard, but choked and coughed.


Seeing that she was coughing, her face flushed and tears flowed, Zhou Zisong took out a blue checkered handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to her.

By the way, he glared at his son fiercely: "Go to the kitchen to see if the meal is ready?"

He was also very embarrassed, his son's words were completely unexpected.

"Thank you." NO.12 took the handkerchief gratefully, with a very embarrassed expression on his face, took the handkerchief to wipe away his tears, and wiped the water from the corners of his mouth, holding the handkerchief tightly, feeling warm in his heart.

He still noticed her presence, which is a good start.

"I don't want to go, Auntie hasn't answered me yet! Auntie, will you be my mother?"

Dongsheng became stubborn now, he refused to obey his father's order to drive him away, and he was still looking at No.12 expectantly, waiting for her to give him an answer.

"Cough cough."

NO.12 coughed twice in embarrassment, half covered her face with a handkerchief, and looked at Zhou Zisong asking for help, but she couldn't answer those words.

"Dongsheng, go back to the house."

Zhou Zisong's voice became a little colder, and his eyes on Zhou Dongsheng became sharper. The little guy squinted his mouth and stood up aggrieved, reluctantly looking at No.12.

This look softened NO.12's heart, smiled at him, and nodded slightly, which was an answer for the child.

"Oh. Great, I have a mother."

Seeing her nodding, Dongsheng happily ran to the kitchen. He couldn't wait to let his uncle and aunt know that he also had a mother's child.

"I'm sorry, the kid is talking nonsense."

Embarrassment appeared on Zhou Zisong's face, and he apologized coldly to NO.12.

"It's okay, I like this kid."

NO.12 said something with a blushing face, grabbed the handkerchief with both hands to relieve his tension, secretly looked at Zhou Zisong with a pair of beautiful big eyes, she confessed her love, would he think that she was too active?

(End of this chapter)

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