Chapter 895
Zhou Zisong looked cold, looked down at his toes, as if he didn't hear what she said?
NO.12 A look of disappointment flashed in his eyes, and he felt a little wronged. Isn't it always the man's initiative to fall in love?Why is he like an ice bump, without saying a word?
The two of them just sat so quietly, Zhou Zisong seemed like an old monk in meditation, while NO.12 was embarrassed.

Seeing this embarrassing situation, Zhou Zixu had no choice but to come out to make a rescue.

He yelled in the direction of the living room, "Dinner is ready."

NO.12 stood up in a hurry, raised his eyes boldly to look at Zhou Zisong, and wanted to ask him what impression he had of himself, but in the end he just said, "I'll go help."

After she left, Zhou Zisong raised his eyes to look at her back, his eyebrows furrowed more and more tightly, she was not his type.

I sigh in my heart, my favorite type.
Stand up and walk towards the study, call grandpa to eat.

"Grandpa, it's time to eat."

Standing at the door, seeing his grandfather glaring at him with anger in his eyes, Zhou Zisong's eyes flickered, pretending not to see his grandfather's anger, he yelled faintly, turned and left naturally.

"How can I have a grandson like you."

Grandpa's dissatisfied voice came from the room, Zhou Zisong paused, then walked again, slowly walking towards the living room.

Lu Sihui walked out of the kitchen with a plate of vegetables. On the plate was fried pork, which was spicy and delicious.

The ice in Zhou Zisong's eyes melted for a moment. He lowered his head and walked to his seat to sit down. As for NO.12, he didn't look at it.

"Sihui, your craftsmanship is really good."

No.12 served black and white cabbage (stir-fried fungus with cabbage), smelling the aroma, she sincerely praised Sihui.

"Zixu is a greedy cat, he trained me to be a chef."

Lu Sihui smiled, and looked at Zhou Zixu as she spoke, with love in her eyes.

Cooking for the man she loves makes her very happy.

Zhou Zixu looked proud.Lifting her perfect chin, she raised her eyebrows and smiled at her daughter-in-law: "My daughter-in-law's cooking skills are unparalleled in the world. I can't get enough of the food she cooks for a lifetime."

This is Chi Guoguo's dog food, and the couple's love is not betrayed.

Zhou Zisong raised his cold eyes, and looked at the two of them with deep eyes, and the two looked at each other with electricity, sweet and greasy.

He looked back at his big hand on the table and slowly clenched it into a fist. He knew what type he liked, but it was useless. Such a character is hard to come by.

"Sihui! Grandpa will be blessed as soon as you come back."

Seeing the delicious dishes on the table, Mr. Zhou's taste buds were wide open, and he looked at his daughter-in-law with a smile.

"Grandpa, do you mean that my cooking is not delicious?"

Aunt Su asked the old man jokingly.

"It's almost as good as what my granddaughter-in-law did, but it's better than what other people did."

The old man does not offend anyone, both of them boasted.

"Sit down, Xiao Li, you are a guest, why are you still helping with the work!"

Mr. Zhou waved at Xiao Li who was cramped, and the girl was always watching Zisong secretly, obviously she liked Zisong.

This still satisfies the old man.

"Try the fried pork I made, Zixu likes it the most."

Lu Sihui picked up the serving chopsticks on the table to pick up food for NO.12, not forgetting to bring out that this is Zixu's favorite food.

Zhou Zisong looked up at her again, the plate of fried pork was indeed delicious, and he would never forget the spicy taste after eating it once.

Picking up the chopsticks, he took a bite and put it in his mouth to chew slowly.

"Sihui, eat more eggs to strengthen your strength."

Zhou Zixu put all the dishes that Lu Sihui couldn't reach into a bowl for her. No. 12 was very envious of the subtle care, and secretly looked at Zhou Zisong. Are he and the captain brothers?

(End of this chapter)

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