Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 896 Another Invitation

Chapter 896 Another Invitation
Little Dongsheng must sit next to No.12, and no one in his family stopped him. This is an opportunity to test No.12. Mr. Zhou has been observing secretly.

"Dongsheng, eat some fish, Auntie will pick out the thorns for you."

"Dongsheng, eat some meat and grow taller."

Different from Zhou Zisong's nervousness in the face of silence, NO.12 was really super patient when dealing with Dongsheng, and his voice was gentle like a spring breeze blowing through his ears, which made people feel very comfortable.

Zhou Zisong glanced at them, his son seemed to like her very much, no matter what dish she served?He ate deliciously.

Even the eggplant he hated the most, because his aunt picked it up, he swallowed it the same way, but when he swallowed it, he stretched his neck vigorously and vomited.

"What's wrong? Choked?"

NO.12 got up in a hurry, ran to the coffee table and brought a cup of tea over: "Drink some water pressure."

Her performance is naturally not artificial, it is completely sincere.

Zhou Zisong couldn't help but glanced at her again. What he saw was her side face. Her eyelashes were very long, like curled fans, and her dark eyes looked at Dongsheng nervously. The concern in her eyes was undisguised.

Lowering his eyelids, he was looking for a mother for Dongsheng, as long as he was nice to him.

As for myself, it is better to throw away unrealistic ideas.

No. 12 is still unclear, but Zhou Zisong's approval of his kindness to Dongsheng from the bottom of his heart.

Zhou Zixu could see clearly from the side that the elder brother's attitude towards NO.12 seemed to have changed a bit, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he looked at his grandfather, he would soon get another granddaughter-in-law.

After dinner, Mr. Zhou sent Zhou Zisong to send NO.12 back to the unit.

"Zisong, send Xiao Li back, be careful on the way."

This is not giving him a chance to refuse at all, Zhou Zisong nodded silently, grandpa would send her away even if he didn't say anything, it's freezing cold, she can't let her go back by herself, right?
NO.12 was ecstatic in his heart, but still had the appearance of a good girl on his face. He saluted and said goodbye to his grandfather with a smile: "Goodbye, Grandpa, thank you for your hospitality."

"Have you finished eating? Next time you come, ask Sihui to grab some wild game for you. I'm sure you haven't eaten the barbecue and stew she made."

Mr. Zhou is happy, this is another invitation to NO.12.

"Okay, definitely come."

"Auntie, can you take me to school tomorrow?"

Dong Sheng took out the trick he used against Lu Sihui again, and tricked NO.12 into sending him to kindergarten.

NO.12 rubbed his little head with a smile: "No problem, Auntie will come see you off tomorrow morning."

"Dongsheng is not allowed to mess around."

Zhou Zisong gave his son a cold look. He remembered that this kid lied to his classmates. Lu Sihui was his 1.mother's business. At that time, Deputy Director Wang came to ask him and wanted to invite them to dinner, which was really embarrassing.

"It's okay, I'll get up early tomorrow and return to work after sending him off, so I can train in time."

If you have the opportunity to talk to Zhou Zisong, NO.12 will never miss it.

Zhou Zisong glanced at her indifferently, without saying a word, took the car keys and walked towards the jeep first, without saying to wait for her.

NO.12 glanced at him disappointedly, took a deep breath, she could feel that he didn't like her, but she wouldn't be discouraged.

He followed behind him with his chest up and his head up, just like when he was training in the unit, he was full of energy.

"I'm quite satisfied with this girl. She treats Dongsheng well and has a gentle personality. It depends on whether Zisong can seize the opportunity."

Mr. Zhou stood at the door, watched No.12 and Zhou Zisong get into the car, and turned around with a smile, expressing his satisfaction to Lu Sihui.

"Grandpa, don't forget, it's my elder brother who is looking for a wife, he doesn't seem to like NO.12?"

(End of this chapter)

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