Chapter 917 She is really a good-looking talent

Zhou Baichuan spoke in a deep voice, his majestic eyes swept over the two outstanding sons, no matter which one of them won, he would be proud of them.

"Leader please give instructions."

Both Zhou Zixu and Zhou Zisong stood tall and straight like pine, with a majestic and iron-blooded manly demeanor, which made the three leaders present nod in satisfaction.

"Zhou Zisong is the red team, Zhou Zixu is the blue team, the red team attacks, and the blue team defends. If the red team captures the blue team's position, a red signal flare will be issued to prove that each side has a command tent. Each team must report the situation to me at any time, within three days, if the red team has not attacked the blue team's position, the blue team has won, and this technical exercise will be declared over, do you understand?"

Zhou Baichuan looked at the pair of sons with a stern face. Such bad weather will be a big test for both the offensive and defensive sides.

"Yes, Zhou Zisong, the Red Commander, understands."

Zhou Zisong was the first to salute, and his angry shout represented his determination to win.

"Yes, Zhou Zixu, the commander of the blue team, understands."

Zhou Zixu also saluted fiercely. In terms of momentum and shouting, he was not inferior to his elder brother at all, and his voice was even louder than his.

As a leader, what I like to see the most is that the team members under him are confident and courageous.

The three leaders present all nodded in satisfaction, and Zhou Baichuan waved at the two of them: "Go down and get ready! Go to the logistics to get the equipment, the radio station, and the password will be told to you by the logistics."

At this time, the command mainly uses the radio to communicate, and the station phone needs to be connected by the communication comrade after the command team enters the tent.

Zhou Baichuan's side is the tent representing the commander-in-chief. The radio, telephone, map, and sand trays for working conditions are all necessary.



The two brothers answered in unison, and left the tent with vigorous steps, and now they were enemies.

"Brother, I'll wait for you at the top of the mountain."

Zhou Zixu smiled harmlessly, not as high-spirited as he was in front of the leader before, and looked a little nasty, with an indescribable feeling.

It seemed that he would definitely be able to clean up Zhou Zisong.

"Okay, it's a deal, I will set off a signal flare that belongs to the red team's victory on your position."

Zhou Zisong gave him a cold look. He lost to his younger brother in the competition. In this field exercise, he must win.

"Brother, there are only three days. I don't think you can attack. If you think it is difficult, I don't mind swapping with you."

Zhou Zixu looked at his elder brother with a smile. Under the sun, his smile was insolent, and the confidence in his eyes made Zhou Zisong pay attention to the opponent in front of him.

"Now is not the time for big talk."

Throwing down a sentence coldly, Zhou Zisong stepped forward with his long legs and walked towards the tent with the logistics flag.

"Wait for me."

Zhou Zixu followed up with a smile, and found that the eldest brother looked dignified. Does this mean that he attaches great importance to his opponent?
"Hello, I'm Zhou Zisong from the security team, and I'm here to collect equipment on behalf of the red side."

Zhou Zisong entered the logistics tent and saluted the director.

"Okay, please check the radio station, telephone, Jun's map, sand tray, and signal flares."

The logistics chief led his fellow stationmates to hand over the items belonging to the red party to Zhou Zisong.

"Under the radio station is your password, channel, remember clearly."

The director of logistics knew Zhou Zisong's name and treated him very friendly.

"Yes, I remember." Zhou Zisong saluted and took over the supplies belonging to the red side.

"Report, Zhou Zixu, the commander of the blue team, came to collect the supplies from the blue team."

Zhou Zixu took a step forward and saluted the director of logistics.

"You are Zhou Zixu? Sure enough, you are a good-looking talent, good job, you have brought honor to our brigade."

(End of this chapter)

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