Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 918 Isn't it a kind of pride?

Chapter 918 Isn't it a kind of pride?
The Director of Logistics was newly transferred to the Security Department. He wanted to get to know the famous Zhou Zixu when he came here. When he saw it today, he was very excited and did not hesitate to praise him.

Zhou Zisong heard it from the side, lowered his eyelids, and left silently.

He has been to the national competition twice, but he has not won the first place. This is a hurdle that he will not be able to overcome in his life.

"You won the prize, I was just lucky."

The humble voice of his younger brother came from behind him, and Zhou Zisong paused. He was not arrogant and complacent, but also learned to be humble.

But this modest words, is it not a kind of pride?
Leaving in big strides, he still needs to check the distribution of materials by the unit. The drills are all empty arrows, and the arrows are full of paint. When the red arrow hits the opponent, it will leave a red mark, which means that the opponent is dead.

Zhou Zixu and the logistics leader were humbled for a while, and they also received the supplies belonging to the blue team. It was the first time they participated in such a large-scale exercise, and they were very excited.

This is equivalent to billing, real swords and real grabs, and standing on the ground, testing one's commanding ability.

Both myself and my eldest brother came out of Lu Jun Command Academy, let's see who is stronger.

"Report to the leader, everything has been allocated, please give instructions."

Zhao Jinchen has just received the assigned medicines and medicines, and is now distributing them to everyone with several other team members!

After seeing Zhou Zixu, he hurriedly saluted and reported.

"Okay, after distributing weapons and loading medicine, we are ready to go up the mountain."

Zhou Zixu nodded. Time was running out, and he still had to make deployments. The deployment must be completed in the first day, and the headquarters must be established as soon as possible.

The actual station exercises depend on their own abilities, and the elder brother may not give him time to make arrangements. If he is himself, a surprise attack is the best way.

"Go up the mountain at top speed, and when you reach the command post on the top of the mountain, report to the leader at the bottom of the mountain."

Zhou Zixu quickly checked the equipment and the supplies for the king, and gave the order without missing anything.

On the other side, Zhou Zisong had the same thoughts as Zhou Zixu.

"We can't give the blue team the time assigned, the mountains are high and the roads are slippery, easy to defend but difficult to attack, and quick stops and quick decisions."

After his order was issued, he began to send people to install the command radio. He went up to the mountain yesterday for investigation, and he had already memorized the location that was easy to ambush.

"Here, here, and here are all positions for them to set up ambushes. We must take a step forward and not give them a chance to calmly arrange. Captain Li, you lead people to organize a commando team, and go up the mountain now to disrupt the enemy's position. "

The enemy will not give you time to prepare the bill. As the attacker, of course he will not give Zhou Zixu time to create an ambush.

"Yes, shall we go up the mountain now?"

"Wait for the leader's order."

After Zhou Zisong arranged the work plan, he asked someone to use the radio to ask the commander-in-chief Zhou Baichuan for instructions.

"After two hours, you can attack."

Zhou Zisong was not satisfied with the answer he got, but as an iron-blooded man, he had to obey.

Fortunately, two hours is not a long time, and it is not good for Zhou Zixu.

He sent a commando team, and Zhou Zixu led the team into the mountain. The traces were obvious and it was not difficult to track them down.

"Speed ​​up, don't waste time."

Zhou Zisong loudly gave orders to the team, and he himself took the lead.

"Captain Zhao, you lead five people to guard the ambush site No. 12, and No. [-], you and No. [-] are responsible for clearing the ambush traces."

On the way, Zhou Zixu had already started to lay out an ambush.

(End of this chapter)

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