Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 919 The Arrogant Zhou Zixu

Chapter 919 The Arrogant Zhou Zixu
"Yes, the task is guaranteed to be completed."

Zhao Jinchen saluted Zhou Zixu and accepted the order loudly.

To be able to guard the first pass, he has a heavy burden on his shoulders, and it is also very honorable, which proves that Zhou Zixu attaches great importance to him.

"Number One, you stay and assist Captain Zhao."

Zhou Zixu frowned when he saw Zhao Jinchen's pick-up partner, and directly dispatched No. [-].

This is a great opportunity, I hope the old comrades can seize this time of standing side by side, and become a pair of flame lovers with No. 1. They took out the white cloaks they prepared beforehand and put them on, hiding in the snowy sky. Very concealed.

They each choose their ambush position. Zhao Jinchen dug a hole in the high slope snow to hide himself in it. The snow is icy under him, and his body is covered with white snowflakes. After lying down, he becomes one with the sky and the earth.

No. [-] is arranged at the commanding height of the tree. This is an ancient tree. The forked position on the tree body is like the palm of a person. Squatting inside can hide most of the body.

No. [-] is petite and petite, wearing a white cloak and squatting inside. She can hardly be seen under the tree. She has a wide field of vision, and she can clearly see people coming up from the mountain.

Blocking from high places is what the enemy fears most.

No. [-] also has certain dangers, and all attackers know that the first thing to do is to find the snipers at high places and wipe them out.

Lu Sihui, NO.12, together with several friends from the third team, dealt with the footprints left by Zhao Jinchen and the five of them.

This job is difficult. They all hold military shovels and brooms in their hands, fill in the footprints, and use the broom to sweep the surface. The wind is the best helper, blowing the floating snow to cover the broom's sweeping marks.

It's easy to say, but it's still difficult to do. The work is going very slowly.

At the second ambush point, Zhou Zixu left five more people behind. This time it was Deputy Captain Wu who dealt with the traces. The brigade continued to move forward. Zhou Zixu scanned the surrounding environment sharply.

"The headquarters is set up at Height No. [-], let's set up tents now!"

At this point, Zhou Zixu slandered in his heart. The eldest brother was at the foot of the mountain, and someone had already prepared a command tent for him, so he had to rely on himself.

"On the [-]th, connect to the radio and report to the commander-in-chief that we have reached the No. [-] highland and are ready to fight."

Zhou Zixu ordered No. [-], he is now competing with his elder brother for time.

"Vice-captain Wu, you lead people to ambush at the highest point on the left side of the rear wing of the headquarters, Zhang Changshui, lead people to ambush on the right side."

Zhou Zixu regards himself as the attacker. He knows where to set up an ambush in this field, and his eldest brother naturally knows it too.

The back mountain is the best position for a surprise attack, and he must send someone to guard it.

"Be prepared to stand up and fight. The enemy will not let us sleep peacefully. I also look forward to doing it early."

Zhou Zixu stepped on the boulder on the edge of the cliff with one foot, and looked down the mountain with a telescope in his hand. From this position, he could see the deployment of the red team at the foot of the mountain.

The eldest brother is already assembling the team. Judging by his calm look, he must be ready to attack.

"Tell the station friends that the focus is at night, and the attack target during the day is too big."

Zhou Zixu raised the corners of his mouth and showed a charming smile. He felt that he was the roundworm in the big brother's belly, and he could clearly know his intentions.


The remaining team members of the first team and the second team answered loudly. The shouts shook the snow on the trees and also alarmed Zhou Zisong at the bottom of the mountain. He raised his binoculars and looked at the top of the mountain. Highland No. [-] blows with the wind.

Through the binoculars, he saw the arrogant Zhou Zixu standing on the edge of the cliff.

(End of this chapter)

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