Chapter 920
Zhou Zixu was also looking at his elder brother with a binoculars. The two faced each other, and the momentum was stronger than the other, neither of them convinced.


Zhou Zisong looked at the team leader and gave an order in a cold voice.

The matter of the white cloak was not only thought of by Zhou Zixu, Zhou Zisong also thought of using camouflage to capture a few ambush locations without anyone noticing, and quietly approach the No. [-] height.

"Old Zhou, your two sons are both dragons and phoenixes among people. They can think of things together and have a commanding mind."

Political commissar Zhang stood outside the commander's tent, watching Zhou Zisong dispatch the generals. Zhou Zixu also sent team members there, and the deployment situation there was transmitted to the general headquarters at any time.

"That's not bad."

Not in front of his two sons, Zhou Baichuan looked at it completely from the perspective of a leader. Both Zhou Zixu and Zhou Zisong are excellent conductors.

"Zisong is going up the mountain soon, I have to tell him to be careful."

Vice Minister Ma is directly in charge of Zhou Zisong and Zhou Zixu, both sides are his non-commissioned officers, so naturally he doesn't want any mistake.

"A team, you sneak in from the back mountain, pay attention to the left and right wings, they are easy to set up an ambush."

"Second team, if you lead the assault team into the mountain from the front, you must pay attention to the No. [-] lurking point and No. [-] lurking point, especially behind the rocks, on the thick trees, and around the high hills. These are all ambushes. The best place, I don't think there will be many people, there are not many expensive ones, maybe five to ten people."

Zhou Zisong pointed out the ambush locations surveyed yesterday in front of the sand tray.

"Yesterday the Falcons went out and bought a lot of white cloth, so be careful, they also have our camouflage."

When the two monarchs meet, they naturally need intelligence to follow. Zhou Zisong has a clear understanding of Zhou Zixu's going out yesterday.

"Zi Song, tell the station friends to pay attention to safety."

When Deputy Minister Ma stepped into the command tent, he heard Zhou Zisong dispatching generals, so he gave a concerned instruction.

"Yes, Deputy Minister."

Zhou Zisong stood at attention and saluted. He had already instructed him on this point.

The commando began to set off, a total of 15 people, in groups of three, taking care of each other.

No. [-] squatted on the old tree, carefully watching the mountain road up the mountain with a telescope.

In his spare time, he took a concerned look at the position where Zhao Jinchen was ambushing, and it was calm. He was really composed, and he could still remain motionless in the icy snow.

The ambushes at the other three points also abided by their duties and remained motionless, regardless of whether there was any movement down the mountain.

This was trained at the special training base. The south is not as cold as the north, but the infestation of snakes, insects, mosquitoes and ants is not something ordinary people can bear.

But they can lie dormant for a day without moving, without drinking, peeing, or eating.

Lu Sihui volunteered to be at the No. 2 ambush point. Like No. [-], she also lurked in the trees.

Unlike others, she owns a space capsule and can use robots and unmanned aircraft for exploration.

However, she didn't do this. This was a real station exercise within the unit, not a real battle to kill the enemy.

She knows her true ability, and she wins with her ability to be glorious.

In the northeast of November, the sun had already set after five o'clock, and the night was gradually getting darker. She stared down the mountain with all her attention. If it were her, this was the best time to attack.

Standing friends can see their feet clearly, and it is not easy for the enemy to find their tracks.

"Everyone cheer up and prevent being attacked."

Zhou Zixu issued a warning order, squinting his eyes and looking at the dark mountain, brother, I'm ready, come on!

(End of this chapter)

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