Chapter 921
The third team still stayed by Zhou Zisong's side, he was waiting, and he had three days to use, so there was no rush.

"Let's all rest!"

He gave orders to the three teams.

"Old Zhou, what do you mean by Zisong?"

According to the conventional style of play, the commandos have gone out, and this side should also be ready to attack,
But Zhou Zisong actually ordered the team members to sleep?
"I think he is taking advantage of Zixu's arrogance. The more the opponent thinks that he will make a surprise attack tonight, the less he will play cards according to common sense."

Zhou Baichuan looked at the pitch-black top of the mountain. There was a lamp hanging on the command tent on the fifth highland, and the target was obvious.

Knowing oneself and knowing the enemy can win a hundred battles, Zhou Zisong is taking advantage of Zixu's pride.

"Interesting, look at it this way, it's hard to say who will win!"

The deputy minister smiled. These two brothers, one dragon and one tiger, are fighting each other, and neither of them will admit defeat.

Zhou Zixu sat in the command tent, staring at the trays filled with sand.

"The Falcon reports that the Security Division has dispatched the first and second teams, and the third team is resting on the spot."

Zhou Zixu left the nail at the foot of the mountain and sent him a telegram.

"Interesting, what my elder brother did today gave me a high opinion."

Zhou Zixu raised his eyebrows and smiled, and tapped his fingers on the edge of the table with the sand plate, the smile on the corner of his mouth was a bit evil.

"Come to report again, saying that the three teams have already attacked the mountain."

When the telegraph operator came to report, Zhou Zixu frowned, made a rhythmic sound with his big hands, and the smile on his mouth turned cold.

"If I'm not mistaken, our nail has been found. This telegram was sent by my elder brother."

Zhou Zixu's estimate was correct. At this time, Zhou Zisong led people to capture Zhou Zixu's ambush nail alive, and the blue radio station fell into Zhou Zisong's hands.

This telegram was sent by Zhou Zisong. He looked up at the mountain in front of him with a cold expression.

Time passed by, and the commando did not send back a message, but he didn't care.

It will take time to reach the designated ambush site.

"Leader, when will we attack?"

The leaders of the three teams are in a hurry!Both the first team and the second team went to attack, only he stayed put.

"What's the hurry?"

Zhou Zisong gave him a cold look. As a commander, you have no concentration at all?

"I'm not in a hurry, I just want to know when to attack."

"Go to rest, when I let you attack, I will give the order."

Zhou Zisong's face turned cold, his voice was low, and he repeated the unquestionable order.


The captain of the third team was so frightened that he hurriedly saluted, and obediently went to rest.

At four o'clock in the morning, Zhou Zisong urgently issued an order, and the three teams set off.

Zhou Zixu waited all night last night, but did not wait for the news from the ambush site, so he was a little restless at this moment.

"Zhang Changshui, if you were my elder brother, when would you choose to attack?"

Zhou Zixu narrowed his eyes, looked at Zhang Changshui and asked.

His eyes were deep, as if he was looking at Zhou Zisong's intentions through him.

"Naturally, it is the time when the enemy's defense is the most relaxed."

Zhang Changshui answered honestly.

Zhou Zixu smiled, those beautiful peach eyes were folded and glowing in the darkness, like a dormant cheetah, spotting its prey and preparing to bite off the other's neck.

"Okay, tell the stationmates to be vigilant, the red team is about to attack. I will take people to the front to intercept my good brother and try to capture him alive."

Zhou Zixu raised his head confidently, and issued orders to Zhang Changshui.

The whole person exudes a domineering aura that shocks the world, and there is an informal smile on Xie Mei's face.

(End of this chapter)

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