Chapter 922
The leaders of the first and second teams on the red side were looking at their watches nervously.

When lurking, they stared at the lurking point and did not move. This is also Zhou Zisong's order. Find the right place and press the ice to stay still.

"start to act."

When the pointer reached the four o'clock position, they began to issue orders.

A series of white shadows attacked the ambush position in the weak light of the early morning.

Number one was on the tree. Last night, she found someone sneaking up the mountain. She originally wanted to ambush him, but the other party was looking for a place to hide and had no chance to open fire.

During this night, she stared at the other party without blinking.

When I saw the first stationmate rushing over, I quickly pulled the trigger, and the arrow pierced through the darkness in the early morning, and also startled the birds in the forest.

"Come on, comrades, cheer up, take them all at once, and we can go back to work and sleep."

Zhou Zixu excitedly issued an order. From the third team, he assigned a small team of comrades to take up the position on the back mountain to prevent surprise attacks. The first team couldn't stand it.

I took a team of comrades to sit in the headquarters, and the remaining small team went down the mountain to support the second team.

Zhao Jinchen raised his head from Xue Ke who was lying in ambush after hearing the snatch, put his hands to his mouth and made sure his fingers could move the trigger, stared at the scope, and fired steadily at the rushing red teammate .

One arrow at a time, every shot is flawless.

The other three ambushes also opened fire at the same time, and the five ambush sites responded to each other, and Zhou Zisong didn't notice two of them at all.

Among them was Zhao Jinchen's ambush position. This time, the red side was like a human target, and seven or eight people fell down.

"Occupy the highest point."

The leader of the first team issued an order, and he took the lead to lurk under the ancient tree where No. [-] was ambushing with two stationmates.

Zhao Jinchen was the first to discover the danger of No. [-], and before he had time to warn, he jumped up and shot at the three people on the red side.

This exposed himself, shot an arrow in the murderer's mouth, and died a heroic sacrifice.

No. [-] looked at him gratefully, picked up the arrow and hit the iron-blooded man on the red side violently.

Withstood the first wave of the enemy's impact, so far the five ambush points of the blue side have all been exposed.

Zhao Jinchen deserved his death. He eliminated one of the opponent's commanders and kept the number one apex.

After Zhou Zisong heard the sound of rushing, he led a quick attack, and the five ambush players from the blue side were all heroic.

But after all the calculations, the blue team still took advantage of it. It used five people to replace a dozen people from the red team.

Zhou Zisong quickly led people to the No. [-] ambush site, where there were also friends sent by the red side, and they were fighting Lu Sihui and the others.

Lu Sihui ambushed among the branches, and opened fire calmly. With limited ammunition, she would never waste a shot.

Her arrow skills are extremely accurate, either headshot, or hit the heart.

No. 12 among the other four, after the fight started, she was also very calm, squatting halfway behind the rock, and hit the attackers from the red side.

At this time, six or seven friends from the red side had already died in battle, and the losses were heavy.

Zhou Zisong led people to rush over, and a group of people shot at Lu Sihui who was at the highest point. She buried her head in the tree hole, waited for the rush to die down, raised her head and shot an arrow, and then quickly hid.

She was like a loach, which gave Zhou Zisong a headache.

"Find a good concealment and press her down to fight."

Zhou Zisong gave the order and sent someone to shoot and kill the other snipers in the ambush.

And the place he personally took people to was the hiding place of NO.12, and she was looking at him through the scope.

In the morning light, Zhou Zisong's face was cold, her eyes were like a sharp sword out of its sheath, and her finger was hooked on the trigger.

(End of this chapter)

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