Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 923 I just can't do it

Chapter 923 I just can't do it
Facing the man he loves, NO.12 can't pull the trigger. Although the bullet can't kill anyone at all, it just can't shoot.

When she was hesitating, Zhou Zisong moved out like a cheetah, directly hit her ambush position, raised his hand and shot her in the head.

Red paint bloomed on her forehead. She stood up and threw away the bow and arrow in her hand. She had died a heroic death.

The paint ran down her eyebrows, and she looked at Zhou Zisong with sad eyes, and he really did it.

Zhou Zisong just glanced at her indifferently, wondering if he recognized her?
Before she could say a word, he had already led people towards Height No. [-].

His heart sank to the bottom, and his eyes didn't stop for a second at all.

"On the platform, you can't talk about the love of your children."

Lu Sihui's cotton coat was covered with red paint, and she looked at NO.12 with a stern face.

Because she was emotional and missed the best chance to kill the opponent's commander, Lu Sihui was also heroic.

She was suppressed on the tree, as long as she completes the support for herself, she will not lose the control of the highest point and sacrifice.

It doesn't matter if you lose a high point, the biggest regret is not being able to stop Zhou Zisong's attack.

If they stopped Zhou Zisong for a moment, Zhou Zixu would have time to prepare.

"Sorry, I can't do anything to him."

NO.12 bowed his head guiltily, regretting his indecision.

"Let's go! Rest down the mountain and wait for the results of the exercise."

There is no need for the sacrificed person to stay on the mountain, Lu Sihui couldn't see NO.12's guilty look, so she said something lightly.

After walking for a few minutes, she heard more intense noises. Lu Sihui stopped and looked back at the snow-covered mountains. In the morning light, everything was shrouded in mist, and the howling wind blew snowflakes down wildly.

"Zixu, I hope you can hold on."

Lu Sihui said something silently in her heart, turned around and went down the mountain quickly, she should find a place to warm up.

Zhou Zisong rushed to the vicinity of No. [-] Heights with his men, and there was a fierce sound from the back mountain. He looked at No. [-] Heights with sharp eyes. After a while, his signal flare would rise there.

"Come on! Comrades, seize Height No. [-]. Kill the enemy and make meritorious service."

The third captain waved and shouted at his friends, and he took the lead in rushing forward.

Zhou Zixu was on the giant tree, staring at the scope, locked on the vital points of the third captain, the corners of his mouth curled up badly, and muttered: "Before leaving the team, you will die first."


The third captain looked at his mouth in disbelief, blue paint bloomed on his mouth.

He sacrificed?When he was about to see victory, he stepped aside unwillingly.

"On the tree."

When Zhou Zisong heard the sound of the bow and arrow, he looked at the giant tree where Zhou Zixu was hiding. It was far away, and it was difficult to strike from the bottom up, but Zhou Zixu struck on the tree with ease.

"Comrades, close the doors and collect the nets to catch big fish."

Zhou Zixu issued orders to his soldiers, Zhang Changshui stood guard on another big tree, and cooperated with Zhou Zixu to shoot and kill the people from the red team who rushed up.

"Leader, what should we do?"

The eyes of Zhou Zisong's friends were all red, and they couldn't attack at the highest point. The main reason was that Zhou Zixu arranged a stepped ambush. There were strikers at the top, middle and bottom. The people who rushed over here became human shields. The casualties were heavy.

"Contain him first, and wait for the comrades from the back mountain to rush forward and flank him."

Zhou Zisong stared at the No. [-] position not far away, obviously close at hand, but it was so difficult to rush up. The bullet net set up by Zhou Zixu was like a spider web, blocking their way to victory for the red side.

(End of this chapter)

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