Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 924 Mood 1 Bursts of Irritability

Chapter 924 I'm Feeling Irritable

"Leader, shall I bring someone to support Houshan?"

The situation here is a little relaxed, the captain of the third team asked Zhou Zixu in a low voice.

"No need, you lead people to defend the position, don't care about anything, if the position is lost, I will punish you."

Zhou Zixu glared at him. There are also many comrades from the Houshan faction, and they occupy dangerous positions. If they can't stand this, then his Falcon team will be completely useless.

"Yes, make sure to hold your ground."

Facing his fierce gaze, the captain of the third team stood at attention, saluted and promised loudly.

"Go! I'm looking forward to capturing my brother alive."

Zhou Zixu smiled, turned his eyes away, and stared at the opposite Hong Fang. He knew that the eldest brother must be among them. What is he thinking now?Are you helpless?

"Leader, I think the noise from the back mountain is not as intense as before."

A friend reported to Zhou Zisong that Zhou Zisong had a serious face at this time, and he rushed here. The arrangements were meticulous and the timing was correct. Why couldn't he win the No. [-] highland?
Feeling irritated for a while, staring at the two giant trees opposite, it looked like a door god blocking the way.

"Strong attack, there is no time to waste, Li Yuzhu, you lead people to attack the trees to suppress the opponent's firepower, Zhong Haifeng, you lead people to suppress the ambush point in the middle, and leave the ambush point on the ground to me."

After Zhou Zisong gave the order, he narrowed his eyes with a bow and arrow, and struck at the two ambush points on the ground.

As soon as his bow and arrow sounded, arrows shot down from the tree, and under the dense rain of arrows, he had to find cover.


Zhou Zisong shouted orders to Zhong Haifeng and Li Yuzhu, and the dense rain of arrows hit Zhou Zixu from three points.

The strange thing is that no one on Zhou Zixu's side fired bows and arrows, as if they were all killed in battle, which was completely different from the fierce attack just now.


Zhong Haifeng asked Zhou Zisong in a low voice.

"According to the current style of play, fight while rushing."

Zhou Zisong didn't think too much about it, he took advantage of the victory and pursued, thinking about rushing over when the opponent didn't react.

Zhou Zixu hid in the tree and looked at his eldest brother with a smile.

Zhou Zisong felt a little weird in his heart, looked at the flat ground in front of him, and ordered urgently: "Wait a minute."

Unfortunately, a step too late, more than a dozen people fell into the snow pit, before they could react!Bullets shot into the pit densely.

More than a dozen people sacrificed heroically with bewildered faces, and the sacrifice was aggrieved.

Zhou Zixu pointed his bow and arrow at his elder brother's knee and pulled the trigger. Zhou Zisong was shot in the leg, but he still fought back tenaciously.

However, the opponent's arrows rained heavily on him, and he was shot several times, making a heroic sacrifice.

"Old Zhou, your Zixu's move is a bit damaged."

Commissar Zhang looked at Zhou Baichuan with a smile on his face. He was treating Zhou Zisong as a prey to encircle and suppress him!Even traps are used.

"Since ancient times, soldiers have never tire of deceit, and by using the powerful terrain, Zhou Zixu has won this battle alive."

The deputy minister nodded appreciatively, who said that fighting can only be done with a gun, is it a fire?

In the past, there was a competition between the station and the station, and there were also ground fire stations and tunnel stations!It can only be said that in terms of command, Zhou Zixu is superior in chess, knowing how to use the powerful terrain to keep his position.

"That's right, in a battle, the enemy won't fight you in a normal way."

Zhou Baichuan looked serious, but his speech was still to the point.

Zhou Zixu is indeed superior to Zisong in command ability.

"Brother, I'm sorry!"

On the mountain, Zhou Zixu walked up to his elder brother with a proud smile on his face, and watched him shoot four or five arrows fiercely!

The sacrifice was a bit tragic, Zhou Zisong's expression was sullen, his handsome face was sullen, and a little dark became the bottom of the pot.

Moving his eyes to the deep snow pit, he gave an order in a cold voice. "How to dig, how to bury."

(End of this chapter)

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