Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 925 A Dark Horse Turned Out

Chapter 925 A Dark Horse Turned Out
Zhou Zixu looked at his elder brother with a smile, this gaze made Zhou Zisong feel uncomfortable, he snorted coldly, and walked down the mountain.

The mood was extremely depressed, he had already arranged it in great detail, but he didn't expect that his younger brother would dig a hole for him.

What made him most dissatisfied was that he had arranged a lot of comrades in Houshan, but he still didn't take them down.

As long as the back mountain is taken down, the situation will definitely not be the same as it is now, at least it will not be a disastrous defeat on my side.


What would happen if he was the defender and Zixu was the attacker?
If you think about it carefully, he will also make the same defensive plan as Zixu, but he will never make a move to dig a trap.

Although he was unwilling, he had to admit that Zhou Zixu's command ability was superior to his own.

He has always been superior to his younger brother in all aspects, and he is an excellent existence in the eyes of his father and leaders.

Suddenly, he couldn't compare to his younger brother everywhere, which made him extremely depressed.

His face sank down the mountain, and the sun had already fully bloomed. The blue paint on his body was particularly eye-catching, and it was a shame in his heart.

Walking towards the commander's tent with heavy steps, he was going to report the situation.

He didn't look at the other stationmates on the way, but he could feel their gazes, sadness, sadness, lack of confidence, guilt, self-blame, very complicated.

The failure of an exercise dealt a big blow to the security brigade.


Standing outside the door of the commander-in-chief's tent, he took a deep breath and shouted loudly into the tent.

Zhou Baichuan recognized the voice of the eldest son, he heard the heaviness in his voice, frowned, and ordered in a deep voice. "Come in."

"came back."

Seeing Zhou Zisong coming in, Zhou Baichuan asked indifferently.

His wise eyes looked at him calmly.

"Yes, I lost."

Zhou Zisong looked up at his father, rolled his Adam's apple a few times, breathed out a foul breath, and answered in a low voice.

"Winning or losing is a common thing. Now it's just a real station exercise, not a real stick. It doesn't matter if you lose. You can realize your own shortcomings. This is a good thing."

Zhou Baichuan stared at his son, he didn't want the elder son to be discouraged and doubt his ability after a drill.

I hope he can learn from his younger brother's strengths instead of just being decadent.


Zhou Zisong straightened his body. Dad was right. It was just a failure. The most important thing is to learn valuable experience.

"Report, reported by Zhou Zixu, the blue team's command team."

Zhou Zixu's loud and confident voice came from outside the tent, Zhou Zisong's eyes flashed, and his sword eyebrows could not help but tighten.

"Come in."

Zhou Baichuan took a deep look at Zhou Zisong, and shouted orders outside the tent.


Although Zhou Zixu hadn't slept all night, he had just won the victory, his black eyes were as bright as stars, and he was full of confidence.

After entering, he saluted Zhou Baichuan and the other two leaders with his head held high: "Hello, leader."

The perfect jaw is lifted, the voice is clear, and the eyes are proud.

"Don't be arrogant in victory and not discouraged in defeat, Captain Zhou, I hope you can remember this sentence."

Zhou Baichuan frowned and looked at his vigorous young son, he felt that it was necessary to pour some cold water on him, lest he be complacent.

"Yes, thank you for your leadership."

Zhou Zixu was not angry either, he saluted again and answered loudly.

"Captain Zhou is not bad, I like you."

Vice Minister Ma looked at Zhou Zixu with admiration, his eyes full of love for talents.

In the past, the pride and training focus of the 39th Security Brigade had always been Zhou Zisong. Zhou Zixu was a dark horse born out of nowhere, invincible and invincible.

"Thank you, Minister Ma, for your praise."

Zhou Zixu looked at his father and thanked Deputy Minister Ma loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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