Chapter 926
Zixu felt very uncomfortable. If the elder brother won this exercise, I believe his father would not say whether he was proud of the victory or not discouraged by the defeat. He should at least praise him.

But no, he was again disappointed.

Zhou Baichuan looked at him with a dark face, feeling that his son did it on purpose, looking at him, thanking Vice Minister Ma?
"Okay, everyone assemble their teams, go back to their respective units, sort out the mistakes in this command, and rehearse next time, don't make the same mistakes again."

Zhou Baichuan glanced at his somewhat lonely elder son, and praised Zhou Zixu, but he didn't say it in the end.



Zhou Zixu and Zhou Zisong stood at attention and saluted, they answered loudly, turned around tall and straight, and strode away.

"Old Zhou, are you being too harsh on Zixu?"

Commissar Zhang watched Zixu leave with a frown, and asked Zhou Baichuan in a low voice.

"Zi Song has a strong self-esteem. He is more competitive. Losing to his younger brother in the competition is already a difficult hurdle in his heart. I can see that he has the determination to win in this field exercise. Losing, yes He was hit hard, if I praised Zixu at this time, he would feel bad, but Zixu has a strong ability to bear it, you know what I mean?"

Zhou Baichuan showed a tired expression on his face. As a father, he hoped that his two sons would be excellent.

But both Zixu and Zisong are too good, Zisong is more proud, he can't bear his own failure.

On the contrary, Zhou Zixu has always been rebellious and rebellious since he was a child. In fact, he doesn't pay much attention to winning or losing.

"That's not right. If a leader can't accept defeat, he can't win. That's important."

Political commissar Zhang corrected Zhou Baichuan sternly, he had a big heart, if he couldn't afford to lose, he might not have the courage to stand up.

"I agree with Lao Zhang on this point. As a commander, it doesn't matter if you lose in the military exercise. It is very important to know your own shortcomings. You must have the ability to learn from the opponent's strengths and have the ability to accept failure."

Vice Minister Ma and Political Commissar Zhang agreed. Zhou Zisong, who had something to report back, heard the conversation outside the tent and fell into deep thought.

Zhou Zixu returned to the Falcons. Because of the victory, he was lifted up by the standmates and thrown into the air.

There were proud smiles on the faces of the stationmates, and there were constant cheers.

"Comrades, pack up your equipment and prepare to return to the team."

Zhou Zixu flew a beautiful kite and landed on the ground. He waved his hand and gave orders with a smile.


The stationmates of the Falcons were like a rainbow, and the voices of their answers resounded through the valley.

On the other hand, the friends in the security department were downcast and listless.

"Comrades, it doesn't matter if we lose this time. Let's learn from our lessons and make persistent efforts to meet the next challenge."

Zhou Zisong walked to the front of the team with vigorous strides, loudly boosting morale.

He felt that his emotions had affected the stationmates, and the words of Political Commissar Zhang and Deputy Minister Ma were like enlightenment, making him realize his lack of mentality.


The stationmates looked at the encouraging eyes of the leaders, straightened their chests, and answered loudly.

"Not loud enough."

Zhou Zisong glanced coldly at each friend's face, and roared in a deep voice.


This time the sound was loud, and the snowflakes on the tree were shaking.

"That's right, Zisong has adjusted his mentality."

Zhou Baichuan walked out of the tent, looked at the expression of his eldest son, and smiled in relief.

It doesn't matter if you lose, just stand up and keep going, for fear of getting depressed.

He looked at Zhou Zixu, who was full of vigor, with a proud smile on his face all the time, as if he had his own luminous body, making people unable to take his eyes off, and Zhou Baichuan's brows were twisted into big pimples.

(End of this chapter)

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