Chapter 930

After Mr. Zhou was surprised to hear about it, he was instantly furious. Has anyone ever treated a little girl like this?Why not let her have her own child?

"Grandpa, I have already taken a step back. I originally thought that I would never marry for the rest of my life. As long as Dongsheng had a child, you forced me to marry. Now I have agreed to marry a wife. The only condition is that I cannot have children."

Zhou Zisong spoke resolutely, his voice was cold, like the silent cold air in the twelfth lunar month, NO.12 sounded like he had fallen into an ice cellar.

Zhou Zisong didn't look at her, but looked at Dongsheng solemnly. He will never forget his promise to his comrades. He will never let anyone bully Dongsheng, even if that person is his own child.

"Xiao Li is a kind girl. She will not treat Dongsheng badly. Besides, this is your wishful thinking. Maybe Dongsheng wants a younger brother or sister?"

Faced with his grandson's determination, Mr. Zhou could only persuade him in a soft tone.

Zisong's character is rigid, and the things he decides will not be changed by anyone.

"Dad, I want a sister."

Dongsheng saw NO.12 crying, went to hold her hand, looked at his father and said loudly.


NO.12 saw the child so sensible, cried and hugged him.

After getting along during this period of time, she really regarded Dongsheng as her son, and it didn't matter if she broke up with Zhou Zisong, she would miss him.

"Big brother."

Zhou Zixu came over and called his eldest brother, but he didn't look back at him at all.

Shrugging his shoulders, he can't persuade his eldest brother, this is his own business, and he can only decide by himself.

Lu Sihui walked into the living room, put her arms around NO.12's shoulders, and looked at her elder brother angrily, did she deceive others too much?How could you do this to her?

Zhou Zisong looked at Lu Sihui coldly, the anger in her eyes seemed to burst out.

"I promise you, if you don't want your own children after you get married, you will stay with Dongsheng."

NO.12 was accompanied by a comrade, raised the back of his hand to wipe away the tears on his face, and looked at Zhou Zisong firmly.

She loves this man and cannot do without him. As long as she can be with him, she can agree to any request.

"Li Yanhong, have you thought it through?"

Lu Sihui was in a hurry, if Zixu refused to let her have a child, she would definitely turn around and leave.

NO.12 looked at her sadly, with a thousand words in his eyes, which turned into tears.

Lu Sihui became even more angry, staring at Zhou Zisong accusingly with her clear eyes, she really wanted to scold this arrogant man loudly.

Why?Think you are the sun, and others can only revolve around you?Your word is the holy decree?Do others have to obey?
Zhou Zisong glanced at Lu Sihui, facing the anger in her black eyes, the expression in his eyes changed.

His eyes shifted to NO.12, and his cold voice was like a cold wind blowing, but he was talking about their marriage, "Okay, register after the [-]rd, there is no need to make a fuss, just register."

This was not even given to NO.12 for the wedding, which made her unexpected. She looked at Zhou Zisong sadly, unable to speak a word, only crying.

When Lu Sihui got married, she had fantasized about her own wedding, and she also wanted to be as lively as her, to be the most beautiful bride under the envious eyes of everyone.

But now, she is not allowed to have a child, and she is not given a wedding, so she just registers for marriage, just like those half-married couples.

But she is a big girl, she is getting married for the first time in her life, and it is also the last time. Without a wedding, she feels that she is too humble.

"This won't work, Xiao Li is too wronged, the marriage must be done."

Mr. Zhou was leaning on his crutches hard. It wasn't Xiao Li and Lu Sihui who were here. He really wanted to use his crutches to relax. He's such a jerk.

"Then don't get married."

(End of this chapter)

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