Chapter 931
Zhou Zisong resolutely dropped a sentence, turned around and walked towards the door.

"Stop for me, do you want to piss me off?"

Mr. Zhou was so angry that he sat on the sofa, panting heavily.


Zhou Zixu saw that his grandfather was covering his chest with his hands, his face was pale, and he was so frightened that he hurriedly found Jiuxin Pills for him to eat.

"Brother, you are too much."

Lu Sihui couldn't bear it anymore and accused Zhou Zisong of his behavior.

Zhou Zisong looked back at his grandfather, his deep eyes were as dark as stars in the midnight, he sighed imperceptibly, and turned back to his grandfather.

"Grandpa, I don't like excitement. You know that. You just need to get a marriage certificate. Why do you have to hold a wedding? It's a waste of time and money."

Zhou Zisong's black eyes were as deep as ink, but his voice was full of helplessness.

"No, Xiao Li is no longer allowed to have a child. The wedding must be given to her, otherwise... I am so sorry for the child."

Mr. Zhou spoke feebly. He was so angry that his heart hurt so badly that he tried to force himself to speak.

"A woman's happiest day is when she is a bride and a mother. Brother, don't be too cruel."

Lu Sihui growled, her voice was filled with uncontrollable anger, and she looked at Zhou Zisong as if she was looking at a scumbag.

"Brother, you brought Dongsheng back quietly, and now you want to marry your wife quietly. Doesn't this make Dad lose his head in the higher-level unit?"

Zhou Zixu also couldn't understand the style of his elder brother, it was too much.

Zhou Zisong's eyes, as cold as ten thousand years' ice, swept across Lu Sihui and Zhou Zixu, and finally fell on No.12's sad face. Her tears were falling in big drops.

"Okay, hold a wedding, you win."

Throwing out a sentence lightly, as if he had no choice but to compromise on this matter?

"I'm going to work."

After saying this, he suddenly felt very depressed, and was forced to marry a wife, and now even the wedding was still forced to hold.

Coupled with the fact that he lost the Junshi exercise before, this made him feel depressed and uncomfortable.

Turning around and leaving, he didn't want to stay in this house for a minute.


Dong Sheng's timid shout came from behind him, he stopped and looked back at him.

Dong Sheng held NO.12's hand in both hands, and looked at him pleadingly.


Zhou Zisong's eyes dimmed a bit, and he returned to the sofa and sat down, like an old monk in meditation, not looking at anyone.

"Stop crying, show your spirit on the training ground, we will bleed but not cry."

Hearing Lu Sihui's voice persuading NO.12, he was still angry!
Zhou Baichuan came here on purpose today, mainly because he wanted to see his future eldest daughter-in-law. He came back twice in a row, but he didn't see anyone.

He attaches great importance to his eldest son's marriage and hopes that he can get married early and stabilize.

When I entered the door, I felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong. A girl with short hair in a uniform was silently wiping tears over there.

Dad was sitting on the sofa, his face was pale, his eyes were full of anger, and his eyes were on the eldest son Zhou Zisong.

"They're all at home!"

Pretending not to see the embarrassment in the living room, he asked calmly.

It was a friendly greeting.

"Dad, you're back."

Lu Sihui and Zhou Zixu spoke at the same time, while Zhou Zisong stood up and only called out, "Dad."

"Baichuan, you came back just in time. Take care of your precious son! If you come back a little later, I will be mad at him."

When Mr. Zhou saw his son coming back, he immediately reported Zhou Zisong the most serious incident in history.

Zhou Baichuan frowned and looked at his eldest son, how could he offend his grandfather?
"Zisong, what's going on? Are you mad at grandpa like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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