Chapter 933
Regarding the matter of having a child, no matter who said it? Zhou Zisong would never compromise.

"Li Yanhong, what do you mean?"

Zhou Baichuan understood Zhou Zisong's character, and knew that it would be useless to persuade him, just like when he brought Dongsheng back.

Even though he and his father were furious and wanted to break away from the father-son relationship, he still refused to say who the child's mother was?

Let go, people leave with the child in their arms, without staying for a moment.

In the end, it was Zhou Baichuan who compromised, since he is also his own grandson, so can he really let him go?
"I agree."

When Li Yanhong said this, she really exhausted all her strength, and the grievances in her heart were like a flood, but she was already in love, and she couldn't bear to leave Zhou Zisong.

"Dad, since Xiao Li agrees, let's not get involved. The wedding must be held, and Xiao Li cannot be wronged too much."

This can be regarded as a final word for him.

"Okay! Since Xiao Li has no objections, I don't care about the children's affairs. There must be a wedding."

Mr. Zhou slowed down a bit, and after thinking about it, it's better for him not to get involved in the matters of his children and grandchildren.

Zhou Zisong glanced at No. 12 coldly. There was still grievance hidden in her eyes, as if she had made a great sacrifice?

He doesn't like to force people, so he asked her in a deep voice: "If you feel wronged, don't force yourself, there are plenty of good men."

Lu Sihui is so angry!Knowing that NO.12 likes him, for his sake, even agreeing to such a humiliating request, does he still have to behave cheaply?
NO.12 looked up at him, that sharp-edged and tough face, black and deep cold eyebrows, high nose, thin and pure mouth, you can't forget it in your eyes.

In order to love him, I can only agree to his conditions.

"I am not wronged, I am willing."

"Okay, since you promised it yourself, write a letter of guarantee! Don't wait until after you get married, because of this incident. If you feel wronged and unwilling, you can divorce at any time."

Zhou Zisong's unfeeling words were like ice and snow falling on NO.12's head. She looked at him sadly. He is not married yet, but he is already planning to divorce?

"Zi Song, it's almost done."

Mr. Zhou's beard is raised in anger, what else do you want?They forced everyone into the alley.

Zhou Zisong didn't look at his grandfather, but stared at NO.12's eyes with deep and cold eyes. His gaze was aggressive, and he didn't let NO.12 have a chance to flinch.

NO.12 lowered his head, pursed his mouth and hair tightly, held back the tears welling up in his eyes, swallowed his saliva, and spat out a word with great effort.

"it is good."

The atmosphere in Zhou's house was so oppressive for a while that people couldn't breathe. Lu Sihui felt that if she stayed here again, she would explode.

"Grandpa, Dad, I'm home."

She left without saying a word, turned around and left without looking at Zhou Zisong.

She was afraid that if she stayed any longer, she would punch him in the face.

"Grandpa, I'm home too."

Zhou Zixu saw that his wife had left, so he didn't want to stay here anymore.

Zhou Zisong didn't look at them, as if the coming and going of these two people had nothing to do with him.

"Aunt Su, take a pen and paper."

Behind Zhou Zisong's cold voice, Lu Sihui turned her head and glared at him angrily. This person is hopeless and unworthy of love.

"it is good."

Aunt Su looked at No. 12 distressedly. If this was her daughter, no matter what she said, she would not be able to marry Zhou Zisong. It would be too irritating.

On the way home, Lu Sihui was still angry, she didn't need to eat, she was full of anger.

"Brother is too much."

Zhou Zixu stretched out his hand to hold Sihui's hand, stared at her flushed face with anger, and said something in a low voice.

"No, go back."

(End of this chapter)

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