Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 934 She Can't Laugh

Chapter 934 She Can't Laugh
Lu Sihui ran out of the car as soon as she opened the door. She wants to take NO.12 away. What kind of marriage will she get?Can this still be happy?
"Sihui, don't go."

Zhou Zixu caught up with her, and his wife glared angrily: "Let go, why do you men bully women like this?"

"Sihui, don't you know what I think of you? Don't compare your elder brother with me."

Zhou Zixu was also angry. Ever since he met Lu Sihui, he had always been kind to her, and he had never disrespected her.

The eldest brother's personality doesn't know how to accommodate anyone at all. Since he was a child, he has lived under his excellence and was taken seriously by him.

"I'm going to take NO.12 away, why should I wrong myself so much?"

Lu Sihui's eyes were red, she was angry, and her voice was so loud that it could be heard in the room.

"You didn't see that Li Yanhong loves her elder brother very much. Elder brother treats her differently. Marriage is for my grandfather. When we are separated, he will not feel pain, and even feel relieved. But Li Yanhong is different. You go and take her away. Not only will I not appreciate you, but I may hate you, you should think about this clearly."

Zhou Zixu grabbed Lu Sihui, who was furious, and persuaded her in a low voice, who can explain the relationship clearly.

"Really, are all the men in the world dead? Do you have to marry your elder brother?"

After hearing this, Lu Sihui knew what Zhou Zixu said was right, and angrily swung her fist in the air, but only hit the air and the snowflakes flying in the sky.

"Go home! We can't participate in other people's feelings."

Zhou Zixu held his daughter-in-law's hand tightly, but she shook it off violently.

"You are not a good thing either."

Zhou Zixu petrified in the icy north wind, what does it matter to him?

Looking at the wife again, she had already slammed the car door and got into the car.

Shaking his head helplessly, the elder brother did something wrong, how could he be the one who was punished!
The marriage was settled through the compromise of NO.12. On January 12, [-], after approval from the organization, Zhou Zisong and NO.[-] went to get their marriage certificate.

When taking pictures, Zhou Zisong's iceberg face made the photographer very worried.

"Comrade, this is your wedding photo, not your ID photo, can you have a smile?"

He didn't dare to talk to Zhou Zisong, this man's eyes are too sharp, when he looks at people, it's like a blade is sweeping across your face.

Therefore, the tone of speech is very polite.

Unit No. 12 looked at him anxiously, but she didn't dare to say anything when she saw his cold face.

"Just take a picture like this!"

Zhou Zisong's voice was very intimidating, and deep and penetrating. He looked at the camera team with cold eyes, radiating a cold light, which frightened the photographers so that they didn't dare to say more, and looked down at the camera.

Both of them were wearing uniforms and hats. They were a husband and wife of iron-blooded men. The man's face was three-dimensional and hard, while the woman's face was heroic and full of feminine beauty. They were a perfect match.

I almost smiled, even if I twitched the corners of my mouth, it would look good in the photo.

NO.12 was sitting next to Zhou Zisong, with cold sweat on his nervous hands.

Leaning against him was like being next to an iceberg, her whole body was frozen stiff, and she couldn't laugh.

"Okay, take a picture, bride, let's smile!"

The groom couldn't say anything, but the photographer turned to persuade Li Yanhong. She took a deep breath, raised the corners of her mouth, and smiled sweetly. She should be happy to marry the man she loves, shouldn't she?
"Yes, it's so nice to smile, pay attention, don't blink."

The photographer happily pressed the shutter, and the wedding photo of the two was finished.

The master said a word of congratulations, which is what every new couple should say after taking pictures.

"Congratulations, you have given birth to a precious son early."

(End of this chapter)

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