Chapter 942
Zhou Zixu put his arms around his wife's waist in front of his brother-in-law, and the smile on his face never stopped.

"Shouldn't be as happy as you are, after all, there is already a Dongsheng in the family."

Lu Sihui thought for a while, and truthfully said what she thought in her heart.

"That's different. Grandpa likes you as a granddaughter-in-law and will definitely look forward to it. Dongsheng's mother doesn't know anyone, but the eldest brother suddenly brought her back. I remember that grandpa was only furious at that time, but not surprised."

Zhou Zixu looked at his daughter-in-law with a smile. He was sure that his grandfather would be looking forward to Si Huisheng's great-grandson.

"Dongsheng is so cute. His mother must also be very beautiful. Your elder brother has been chaotic and finally abandoned him. His character is not good."

Lu Sihui had a prejudice against Zhou Zisong, and called him Chen Shimei, not a good person.

"It's hard to say, but I think there is something hidden in it. Big brother is not an irresponsible man. Unless Dongsheng is not his son at all, otherwise, he will definitely marry Dongsheng's mother."

Zhou Zixu has always firmly believed that the eldest brother's character is fine. He once suspected that Dong Sheng was not the eldest brother's son at all, otherwise he would not have revealed who the child's mother was.

"Come on! Judging from his attitude towards NO.12, I don't think he is a good person."

When Lu Sihui mentioned Zhou Zisong, the expression on her face turned into disgust, and she had nothing good to say.

"You can't say that. Anyway, it's a mystery. Brother doesn't want to talk about it, so we can't find out."

Zhou Zixu shrugged, not wanting this topic to affect Lu Sihui's mood.

"Sihui, you have to keep happy, so that our child can be an optimist."

"Okay! Eat."

Lu Sihui glanced at him, and felt that there was no need to affect her mood because of Zhou Zisong.

There was already a sizzling sound in the pot. It was obvious that there was no more soup, and if it continued to simmer, it would become mushy.

Just as he was about to take down the big spoon, Zhou Zixu snatched it away.

"From today onwards, don't lift heavy objects, I will do all the hard work."

Lu Sihui looked at him speechlessly, she knew she would not tell him about her pregnancy.

When the dinner table was set, Zhou Zixu began to put the roe deer meat into his wife's bowl: "Eat more meat, the child will be strong enough."

Lu Sihui ate all the meat he brought in silently, and she was full of expectations for the child in her heart.

"Sihui, go to grandpa's house at night and tell him the good news of your pregnancy."

Zhou Zixu began to think about it, he wanted to make grandpa happy.

"I don't want it anymore. I'll talk about it after your elder brother gets married."

Lu Sihui thought a lot, Zhou Zisong strictly ordered NO.12 not to get pregnant and have a child, and if she became pregnant at this time, it would irritate Li Yanhong.

"Alright, just keep it a secret."

Zhou Zixu nodded in agreement, he didn't think too much, he just wanted to make grandpa happy.

No. 20 in January is a big day for Zhou Zisong and No. 12. No. 12's parents have come to know that she is married to a leader, and her father-in-law is a great leader. They are all happy for their daughter.

The fly in the ointment is that Zhou Zisong brought a son of unknown origin, which made them feel that the daughter was a little wronged, and the eldest girl married a second marriage.

NO.12 got married in the unit's guest house, No. [-] was her bridesmaid, Zhou Zixu arranged for Zhao Jinchen to be the elder brother's best man.

He also had an idea in doing this, Number One liked the old comrades, and he wanted to create some opportunities for the two of them.

On the day of the wedding, the weather was still clear and clear when we got up in the morning, but it started to snow heavily when we greeted each other.

Zhou Zisong, the groom's team, stood outside the guest house with a stern expression, blending into the sky full of ice and snow.

(End of this chapter)

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